frost Giants

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It has been a couple week's since Jack left he is supposed to come home tomorrow and we are making him a welcome home party for him I'm helping with the decorations we already made a banner that said welcome back Julie was making a cake and Eli was making something for him in her room she wants it to be a surprise

"Hey Julie when you got a minute can you give me a hand" 

"Yea Just taking the cake out of the oven"

She set the cake on a cooling rack and helped me put the banner up 

"Hey I appreciate you coming over and helping out I know you're busy with work"

"Hey it's no problem it's fun helping you and I don't mind babysitting Eli while your on a job"

"What did I do to deserve you" 

"I don't know why don't you kiss me and find out"

We were just about to kiss when there was a knock on the door 

"I'll get it" 

I opened the door there was a guard standing there

"Excuse me is a miss Julie duo here"

"Yes just a moment Julie there's someone here for you"

"Hello what can I do for you" 

"I'm sorry to tell you this but your brother Jack duo is being held hostage by the group of frost giants he was supposed to kill they are asking for one million dollars or else they are going to kill him I'm sorry to tell you this miss you have a week to get them there money or else"

"What aren't you part of the royal guards can't you do something"

"I'm sorry miss it's out of our hands we can't interfere good day and I'm sorry" 

He left Julie was crying I helped her to the couch Eli came out 

"Mom why are you crying"

I went over to Eli 

"Well Eli your mom is crying because your uncle Jack won't be home on time but don't worry you can still give him your present because I'm going to help him get home"

"No Mark you can't I can't loose you too" 

"Hey don't worry about me I'm going to bring Jack home didn't I say I wasn't going to let you loose your brother like I did now have faith in me" 

"Alright but you better come back to me alright or else"

She kissed me like it was going to be our last

"You got it I'm taking blaze with me too ok I love you stay safe" 

With that I walked out giving one more look back at them and went to my place grabbed my swords and a Cloak I informed miss Malina that I was going to be away for a week or two then went to the guild and got blaze I told him what happened that's when Draco appeared 

"What do you want old man I'm in a rush"

"Just came to wish you luck and tell you something about the sword you got from the guild if you call out it's name it will form a suit of armor on your body that won't break from most attack's and don't worry I'll tell your mom not to worry good luck Mark"

"Thanks Draco I'll be back let's go blaze" 

Blaze took off flying it took us about three days to get to the town up north That Jack was staying at before he went to fight the group of frost Giants I was at an inn right now getting some food when some guys came up to me 

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