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Me and blaze went home when we got there it was busy and some people were staring at us we ignored them and went to our room Lee and ling were there playing cards on the bed

"hey guys what you doing"

I took off my shoes and jacket

"not much just beating my dad and did blaze get bigger"

"yea he did in three days he'll be all grown up"

"well if that's the case I don't think he'll be able to fit in here after a while"

"yea I was thinking the same Lee well I got a tournament to go to today"

I sat in my chair and watched them play

"cool anyways how was your date last night you were gone all night so did you get lucky"

"Lee your son is here"

"yea so I want the details"

"hu what are you guys talking about"

"you'll understand when your older son"

"you always say that no fair I want to know now"

I couldn't help but to laugh at them it was like an episode out of a show it was funny

"hey what's so funny"

"you guy you reminded me of something I had seen before"

"you guys are mean"

"oh you'll get over it son so Mark did you or not"

"dude no it's too early for that kind of stuff and besides her brother was there"

"ouch got blocked by her brother that's harsh"

"yea her older brother"

"damn ever worse"

"I still don't get it who's older brother and why is he so bad"

"well you see son this girl that Mark likes has an older brother and if Mark wants to marry the girl it's going to be tough for him to get the brothers blessing to marry her and her parents"

"oh I think I get it"

Blaze was laying in front of our fire pit so I went and layed my head down on him he just looked at me and went back to sleep

"oh Lee could you make sure I'm awake by noon so I can get to the tournament"

"sure what ever man"

As soon as he said that I was out no idea why I just passed out so quick a couple hours later Lee was waking me up

"yo mark mark get up it's twelve thirty"

"what it's twelve thirty I said noon shit I got to go see you later man"

I jumped out the window and flew right to the guild I saw the huge ring and there was a man in the middle so I landed on the edge of the crowd that's when I realized I had no shirt or shoes shit well I fight better without it

"alright everyone I'm your host Monoto the guild leader today is our yearly tournament now everyone who wants to participate please make your way to the board and write your name and make your way to the ring we will then explain the rules"

I went over to the board and wrote my name I ran into Julie

"hey Julie how's it going"

"hey Mark uh where is your shirt and shoes"

"I was in a hurry and forgot them"

"you think you can fight like that"

"yea no problem but you think you can stop staring pervert"

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