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The next morning I got up with a little bit of a hangover so I went to the kitchen and made mom's hangover cure

"Ouch shut that damn noise off"

"Morning sleepy head here drink this" 

"What is it"

"My mom's hangover cure just drink it you'll thank me later" 

"We're is Eli" 

"At school and I'll be going to work later boss let me go in late today how does it taste" 

"Ok not the greatest how did Eli's date turn out"

"Well she was happy about it Jhon was nice the food wasn't the best and she got her first kiss"

Julie spit out some of her drink on me" 

"That boy kissed her is he still alive"

"What do you take me for a crazy overprotective father"

"Yes obviously" 

"Well I'm not thank you very much I'm letting it slid there's nothing wrong with a kiss ok I mean that is how most relationships start"

"Are you sure you are Mark"

"Why don't you come here and find out" 

Later I went to work and it felt right like I never left after work I went to Jeff's

"How's it coming guys" 

"We finished the thing you wanted us to work on and the explosive powder too" 

"The thing is called a gun and you are missing a piece"

"what I swear we made every peice" "You forgot the firing pin don't worry bring me the powder and the magic liquid metal"

I put my hands in the metal and poured my mana in it while I thought of the firing pin I pulled it out and put it in the gun which was a 9mm baretta I then put my hands back in the metal and created a 9mm round and case multiple times till I had 10 of them I added the powder and put it together and loaded the gun 

"Alright guys time to show you what a gun can do" 

We went over to the training dummies I put the gun in a little stand and tied a peace of rope to the trigger and got behind a wall and pulled the rope the gun fired fine so I went and picked it up and shot the whole clip the smell of the gun powder and the feeling of the gun in my hand made me feel electric 

"It's a little loud Don't you think"

"Don't worry I can make it quieter but I want you guys to make one for everyone on the team and one more for me don't forget the pin in any of them or else they won't work and the things I made that go in the gun are called bullets Don't go over or under the amount of powder I write down too much the whole gun can blow up too little and it won't fire got it I'll draw it up for you ok" 

"Hey Mark did you have this gun where you came from" 

"Yea this one and many more powerful one's we even had these things called bombs that could destroy entire citys with just the press of a button" 

"Holy crap how dangerous was your world"

"So dangerous you couldn't even walk across the street without being shot at or at least had the chance to be shot at" 

"Damn that is crazy why would people become so violent"

"Simple war when war breaks out people think of ways to hurt each other worse then before and with less casualties on there sides but there were a few good things we had like planes people could get on one and fly anywhere they wanted to no one had wings but we could still fly a few people flew outside of our world to other planets too " 

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