beach fun

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After we got back to the Inn miss Malina went to see someone and we put everything in the kitchen and her office I took Lee up to my room we sat down and talked for a bit about what he used to do and how he got fired he got fired for making the tea too hot for his boss and accidentally spilling it on a customer which is total bull shit if you ask me I asked him what kinds of things he lost he told me he lost his wife and son she took the kid away because he lost his job and there home and told him if he wants to see them again he'd have to find a new job and place to live then someone knocked on the door

"come in oh hey boss what's up" 

"well Lee I have good news and bad news which you want to hear first"

"Good news"

"well I went to see a friend who owes me a favor and I got you a job at there tea shop now the bad news is that they don't have a place for you to stay so your going to have to stay here with Mark"

Tears were streaming down his face and he was covering his mouth 

"I don't know what to say I'm completely caught of guard"

"well at least say thank you dummy you can do that right"

He went in front of her got on his knees and kept saying thank you

"Ok ok you can stop now it's not that big a deal I just called in a favor I'll have Bob bring you a bed" 

"no need for a bed just some covers"

"mark the man needs a bed" 

"i know that's why he gets that one"

"yours why do you not like it" 

"no I like it it's just I can't really lay down in it ya'know the wings but this chair or the window I sleep just fine in" 

"your serious Mark you give me your bed for a chair"

"well if I can't use something why have it and besides I know you will put it to good use"

"thank you thank you so much"

"hey don't be starting with the water works again your a man so quit with the crying what's your son going to think seeing his dad cry so much hey when does he start boss"

"Tomorrow that's when he's having his Grand re Opening of the tea shop"

I looked out the window and saw Julie she waved at me I motioned for her to give me a minute she nodded

"hey Lee make your self at home I've got to get going"

"and where are you going in such a hurry Mark"

"well I'm hoping a date if she says yes oh Lee how much is this I'm not familiar with currency here" 

"holy crap that's 100 dollars" 

"well here's half for you get something nice for your self you earned it see ya guys later" 

I rushed down stairs and out the door and looked over to were I saw Julie and there she was looking beautiful in the sun 

"hey Julie how's it going" 

"better now your here" 

My face went flushed a bit 

"S-so what did you wanted do that is"

"oh I don't know I didn't plan anything today so you decide" 

"um how about you show me around town" 

"sure sounds like fun"

we started walking around and she showed me so many cool places like this cool park some shops and then she showed me the beach it was hot out today too

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