family dinner

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It's almost eight and we were at the guild getting blaze me and Julie we're dressed up I was wearing a simple black tux it was hard to get into even after we cut holes for my wing Julie was wearing a beautiful black dress that came down to her knees and hugged her body in all the right places she also had some rose red lipstick and eyeliner on her hair was in a bun she looked so beautiful 

"Hey blaze how are you doing I want to introduce you to Elizabeth Julie's daughter"

"Pretty good what you have a daughter Julie she's cute hi Elizabeth I'm blaze so what's going on bro why are you guys all dressed up" 

Blaze put his head down Elizabeth went over and pet him

"We're going to have dinner with my mom and Draco who is my step dad I guess"

"What he is your step dad that's crazy bro"

"Yea tell me about it its so weird to just say it anyways we're all ready right" 

"All good here I don't think you need to bring the knife though Mark"

"Sorry but old habits die hard" 

"Can't you leave it"

"I'm bringing it anyways just in case of anything" 

"Fine how do I look" 

"You look beautiful like always" 

"I'm kind of nervous you think they'll like me"

"I hope so because I like you just relax and be yourself besides I barely know them myself" 

"How are you so calm you haven't seen your mom in at least two years right and you don't know much about Draco" 

"I'll tell you a secret" 


I motioned for her to come closer

"I'm actually freaking out a bit I don't know how this is gonna be I'm worried but I'm being calm because your here and I don't want to look bad in front of Elizabeth She pulled me down and kissed me 

"Eww guys get a room you two" 

"Yea yea let's go everyone" 

I pulled out the card Draco gave me

"Here we go Abracadabra" 

Next thing I knew there was a light and we were in the courtyard of a castle the front door was huge I grabbed the giant knocker on the door and knocked the doors opened up to reveal a hall with red carpet we walked in and the door closed behind us and Draco appeared in front of us

"Hey Mark right on time how you doing"

"Pretty good I guess this place is huge" 

"Yea well I'm thinking of down sizing it's just too big for me and your mom come have a seat over here in the parlor" 

He took us to a big room with a giant fireplace with a couch and two chairs in front of it we all sat down in them Julie next to me and Elizabeth at the end of the couch and Draco in front of me in a chair blaze layed behind us looking at Draco 

"You guys want something to drink while we wait"

"Sure I'll take an iced tea if you got it blaze you get water Julie" 

"Iced tea Eli you want a water sweetie" 

"Yes Mom" 

Draco snapped his fingers and a table with two waters and tea's appeared in between us and a giant water dish for blaze next to him

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