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We dropped the prince off at the palace Billy grabbed a few things I made some changes to the magic circle so all of us could go to my uncle's palace

"Everyone ready" 


I cast the spell and we were teleported to the gate of the city 

"Who are you and these people" 

"I'm Mark the king requested me and these are my friend's and my brother"

"Ah Mark your earlier than expected follow me we are to give you an escort to the palace the carriage is right this way you can leave your things here they will be brought to your rooms"

"Thank you"

They took us to the palace and told us about things in the city it was definitely not what I had imagined it to be I was thinking it was going to be creepy like a ghost town but it was actually more like a utopia full of life and beauty I couldn't believe my eyes and when we got to the palace I was surprised at how similar it was to Draco's we got out of the carriage and went inside it was beautiful with red carpet gold trim everywhere the walls were a light blue

"About time you showed up Mark"

"Hey Uncle sorry if I'm late but some stuff happened along the way" 

I said as I looked at Billy when I said that 

"Na your ok who are your friends"

" Oh sorry this is jeff,Thor, Lee, jack,Lisa,and last but not least Billy my brother who I just found out is alive"

"Your kidding this is him well I guess we got two birthdays to celebrate today but it's late you guys want something to eat anything you want my maids will show you to your rooms when you're ready to retire"

"Hey Mark who is this guy" 

"Oh sorry guys this is my uncle the demon king Ron" 

"Nice to meet everyone" 

They all looked shocked and frozen

"Oh Mark your mom is here too want to go see her" 

"Yea Billy better go to is Julie with her"

"Yea should be follow me to the kitchen everyone" 

We all went to the kitchen  I stopped in front of it 

"Uh you guys better wait here especially you Bill  you know what mom is like in the kitchen"

"Yea I remember last time I interrupted her cooking" 

He shivered remembering what happened last time he almost got killed when he interrupted mom cooking I went into the kitchen mom, Julie, and Eli cooking 

"Mark your here"

Eli came running at me I picked her up and hugged her 

"Hey Eli you miss me" 

"Yea did you fight any bad guys" 

"No not this time but I got you something"

I reached in my pocket and gave her a gold necklace chain

"Cool thanks Mark mom look what Mark got me" 

"Oh pretty hey honey I missed you"

Julie gave me a kiss 

"Missed you too looks like mom has been working you to the bone"

"Hell yeah she has I can't keep up she's like a monster in the kitchen"

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