marks past

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I woke up to jack standing over me giving me a dirty look 

"Morning what's with the look"

He pointed to my lap I looked down Julie's head was on my lap 

"Now jack it's not what you think we fell asleep here I'm innocent I didn't do anything" 

"Better be or else anyway want some breakfast"

"uh sure thank you" 

"Well I was thinking of some bacon and eggs does that sound good" 

"yea sure I would help but I'm kinda ya'know stuck"

"yea I know hey where is your dragon"

I looked around the room and didn't see him anywhere not in the fire pit or Julie's lap I saw a window was opened 

"oh don't tell me he flew out the window"

Just as I said that blaze flew in he looked bigger than before though and he was he was about the size of a large dog yesterday he was like cat size he came right over and put his head on the arm of the couch and looked at me then to Julie then back to me and nudged my hand so I started petting him he made a purring noise

"hey bud be quite ok she's sleeping"

He nodded and went to the kitchen wait does he understand me I looked back at him and he was watching Jack who was getting frustrated 

"dang it no spark rocks don't suppose you can give me a light little guy"

Just then blaze shot some fire at the oven for him both me and Jack's jaws dropped we were stunned Julie started waking up she sat up and stretched 

"morning beautiful sleep well" 

"hu oh morning Mark and yes I slept great wait don't you have work today"

"no boss let me have the day off for all of my hard work"

"well that's good what is that smell"

"that would be breakfast sis" 

"oh morning Jackie" 

"Quit calling me that"

Blaze walked over to her and put his head in her lap 

"wow blaze you got big what have you been eating"

He just smiled and wagged his tail a little 

"hey blaze come here I got a question for you"

He got up and sat in front of me

"where did you learn to understand us"

He pointed at me then to his ear 

"so you just listened and figured it out" 

He shook his head yes then pointed at his mouth then shook his head no

"but you can't talk yet right" 

He nodded yes

"well I'll help you with that if I can ok bud"

"me too I've never heard of a dragon that can talk" 

Julie said and put her hand on blaze

"hate to break the touching moment but the food is getting cold I made you a plate for you too blaze" 

We all went to the kitchen and started eating

"so who's got plans today" 

I asked first while eating some bacon

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