baby dragon

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The week flew by fast and I made about one-hundred and twenty dollars this week after she took out money for the  room the new dishes I made became daily specials they were a huge hit we were bringing in customers from all over town and Lee got to see his little boy this weekend I felt so happy for him today I get to meet him and I go on my date later tonight me and Julie kept hanging out all week it was fun we went to a lot of places too like a library the park a shopping district I got her a new shirt too it was pretty plain just black with a red dragon on it she tried to protest but after some convincing she accepted it

"yo mark you decent" 

"yea Lee just no shirt"

"Ok come in son Mark this is Ling my son" 

I looked over to Lee I swear his kid was the spiting image of him it was cool I got in front of ling and squat down to his level and extended my hand and smiled 

"hey ling nice to meet you I'm Mark your dad's roommate and friend I hope I can be friends with you too" 

He looked a little nervous but he did shake my hand and smiled

"nice to meet you too mark" 

"hey guys come over here I want to show you something"

We went in front of the window  and on it was a big egg

"what is that Mark" 

"honestly I don't know but if it is what I think it is I'll need a bigger place"

"is it a Dragons egg did you lay an egg" 

"What no I just found it earlier today I hope it is a dragon egg and not just a big chicken" 

The egg started cracking 

"it's hatching no way already guys get away just in case of something" 

The egg burst open and it was a baby dragon  it looked at me and crawled to me and breathed a little fire at me so I breathed fire on him and he liked it and hopped into my arms and cuddled I turned to Lee and ling 

"meet our new friend guys" 

"awesome he's so cute what are you going to name him"

"um how about Flame no fire no ah I got it blaze what do you think" 

The little dragon made a happy face and breathed some fire then hopped on my shoulder

"dude this is so cool I'll be back I have got to show Julie"

"hey when is your date" 

"ugh in about shit ten minutes I have to get ready" 

I quickly put on a shirt and jacket and grabbed my money blaze hopped in my arms and I jumped out the window and began to fly to Julie's place blaze looked to be having fun a couple minutes later I landed in front of Julie's place I set blaze on my shoulder

"alright blaze listen you going to meet a very nice girl her name is Julie you be nice ok little buddy"

Blaze was excited I then knocked on her door it opened almost instantly

"hey Mark what are you doing here our date isn't for another hour"

"eh I thought it was right now my clock must be off anyways I wanted to introduce you to my new little friend blaze"

he hopped right up to Julie and breathed some fire she backed up a bit 

"blaze no fire breathing at Julie geez"

He put his head down a little knowing he was In trouble 

"Mark where did you find him he's so cute can I hold him"

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