the child

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After the tournament I asked Monoto if it was ok for blaze to stay here he didn't care as long as he didn't hurt no one and that he doesn't burn the place down he also told me to come back later and we'll get the paper work done so we can live there I told him I couldn't I already have a place he said it was ok that's just less paperwork to do but before I left they put the guild mark on my right arm it was a dragon head I had the new sword on my back and the bag of cash on my belt it was one hundred gold coins I'll give my boss about 15 pay Bob back for the clothes then figure out the rest I got back to the Inn blaze was getting big he looked like he was too big for the door but he fit Malina came over to me

"mark no weapons in here" 

"Ok let me just put this in my room"

"fine just be careful" 

"b-brother I-im hungry" 

The bar went completely silent and everyone looked at us 

"blaze did you just talk" 

"y-yes can w-we eat" 

"hell yeah we can bill throw on a great big steak for blaze"

"you got it Mark it will be a bit though"

"no problem blaze I want you to try something"

I breathed fire on my hand 

"eat it" 

He looked at me then sucked the fire

"I knew it you feel a little energy don't you" 

He nodded 

"mark are you telling me he can eat fire and breath it"

"well it figures he is a dragon the first ones to use fire were dragon's oh I got something for you by the way" 

I pulled out 15 gold coins and gave it to her 

"where did you get this much money"

"he fought"

"the tournament I won that's where I got this sword and money" 

"you mean that guild battle thing they do every year" 

"yep that's it"

"no I can't accept this it's too much" 

"I want you to have it just think of it as advance on my rent payment" 

"fine I accept thank you you have no idea what this means"

"yo mark steak is done want it on a plate" 

"no just toss it at blaze" 

The steak was massive about three inches thick and twelve inches in circumference blaze caught that and just ate it like a starved animal 

"hey Malina where is Bob"

"upstairs why" 

"oh I was going to pay him back for the clothes"

"Ok make sure to knock first" 

I went upstairs to bobs room and knocked first I heard some shushing and shuffling before the door opened to Bob in a pink bath robe 

"oh it's you mark what do you need I'm kind of busy" 

" I just wanted to pay you back for the clothes you gave me" 

"wait your the one who got my clothes"

"Jeff you and Bob wow and wait your clothes"

"yes my clothes so you should pay me"

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