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I left her office and went to leave the restaurant when I bumped into someone knocking them over I went to help them up

"oh I'm so sorry sir are you ok"

"ow geez look what you did you made me spill my drink your going to pay you filthy Demon"

Next thing I knew I got socked in the face but it didn't hurt like I expected knocking me back a little I looked back at him and said

"sir I'd rather not hurt you so please stop I'll pay for the drink"

"Fuck you you damn demon I'm going to kick your Ass just like we did in the war"

He went to punch me I grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back

"sir please stop I would like to avoid fighting you"

"go back to hell you damn demon"

He then tried to hit me with his other hand I doged it and kicked him to the floor he got up and went to hit me again when he faced me and I hit him in the face sending him flying through the door knocking him unconscious good thing it was open I then walked over to him and said

"now I'm sorry for hurting you I'll have someone escort you home"

I walked back into the bar

"hey anyone know where he lives if you do please take him home and sorry for disturbing everyone"

"hey demon kid come over here sit down I'll get you a drink you deserve it plus I want to talk to you"

I did as the middle aged man said he got me an ale

"I'm Monoto by the way I run the guild here in town how would you like to join my guild we could use people with your skills"

"sorry no thanks I appreciate the offer but I can't for now I just started this job and arrived in town so I don't really have the time to be in a guild so thanks but no thanks"

"That was such a quick response ok I see but if you ever change your mind let me know the guild is at the center of town you can stop by anytime"

"alright I will tomorrow there's some one there I want to talk to"

"oh really who would that be"

"I think her name was Julie"

He then spat out his drink and coughed a bit

"j-julie as in short, silver hair,Carry's a sword she's back in town"

"ugh yea why is there a problem does she not work there or something"

"n-no she's a member it's just she might kill me when she finds me"


"oh shit"

Was the last thing he said before he was knocked unconscious by Julie

"damn it I hit him too hard oh sorry about the interruption sir hey your the demon guy from earlier"

"yea your Julie right"

"yep your names mark right sorry again you had to see that"

"eh it's alright I'm just wondering what he did to deserve that"

"he ate the last peice of my chocolate cake"

"hahaha yep definitely deserved that doesn't he know not to mess with a woman's cake have a seat"

"thanks so you get off work just now"

"yep and had a little fight with some drunk then your boss tried Recruiting me then you showed up"

The Deamon boyWhere stories live. Discover now