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After work today I had to go to some bar called the sleeping dragon to see Jeff because he wants to talk to me about something speaking of which there he is 

"Yo faggot" 

"Hey fuck you let me get you a drink"

"Two Whiskey's thanks" 

We got our drinks and went over to a booth and sat down

"Alright so what did you want to talk to me about"

"I'm putting together a team and I want your help"

"What kind of team a baseball team"

"No a special team of warriors" 

"And what will they be doing on this team"

"We are going to change the world for the better"

"Really that is quite the task how do you plan on doing that" 

"Haven't thought that far ahead"

"Well you should have because I have been thinking about this also sure I'll join your team how many people you got so far"

"Just us"

"Seriously I guess I'll have to do all the work you at least try to find one or two people to join I'll get the rest I got to go do some teaching now thanks for the drink"

"You a teacher that's a joke" 

"Hey fuck you flaming faggot" 

"Man go suck a Dick"

"No thanks that's your job I prefer pussy see ya" 

I left the bar and went down to Thor's place 

"Hey Thor ready for your first day of training" 

"Yep I've got my sword and shield"

"Uh leave those today we are going to work on hand to hand combat and fitness" 

"Alright but why your not going to use your hands in a life or death battle"

"That is where you are seriously wrong come on to the woods" 

"The woods won't there be monsters that will attack us"

"Maybe maybe not well see later"

On our way down to the woods we stopped in town to grab a bite   that's when Julie came up to me with Eli she tapped my shoulder 

"Hey Mark" 

"Hey Julie hey Eli how's it going"

"Pretty good you talk to Jeff yet" 

"Yea I did there's something I got to tell you later about it but right now I'm about to train this guy in the woods" 

"Really you are actually training" 

"Yea well he is mostly anyways I'll see you guys later"

"Alright stay safe out there" 

We left and went to the forest to a clearing 

"Alright this looks like a good place to start first how much do you know about hand to hand" 

"Not much really just the basic punch and kick"

"Alright I want you to hit my hand as hard as you can" 

He ran up and punched my hand I barely felt a thing

"You call that a punch this is a punch"

I took a stance and punched the ground shattering the ground in about a 30 feet radius 

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