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I woke up and I felt sore as ever I saw Julie wasn't sleeping next to me I got up out of bed and made my way to the living room Eli was on the couch watching TV I sat next to her she hugged me it hurt a little

"Mark your finally up"

"Yea what time is it"

"3 in the afternoon" 

"Wow I didn't realize how tired I was so how was school"

"Boring nothing but work"

"Well that stinks where's your mom by the way" 

"She went shopping a little bit ago"

"Ok you got anything planned today"

"No just whatever mom says" 

"Don't you have friends you can go play with" 

"Not really most of my friends have moved away"

"Well want to have some fun"

"Sure what did you have in mind"

"Let's go find your mom" 

We went outside I locked the door behind us 

"How are we going to find mom"

"We'll fly of course we'll be able to see her better from the air" 

"But didn't mom say I couldn't that it's dangerous" 

"Well it would be if you tried by yourself but I'll be carrying you and I'm an expert flyer ok" 

"If you say so"

I picked her up unfurled my wings and shot right up into the air high above the buildings and started to glide across the town 

"Are you scared Eli"

"A little but mostly excited this is so cool is this how you travel all the time" 

"No not all the time just when I want to be fast alright let's look for your mom"

We flew around for like 10-20 minutes when we spotted her on the road coming home I flew down and landed in front of her she dropped some groceries


"Eli w-what are you doing Mark"

She gave me some evil eyes 

"Did you go flying around with my baby girl"

"Uh y-yes but I was real careful and we didn't do any crazy flying mainly just some gliding to find you"

"If last night didn't happen I would beat the crap out of you right now but I'll over look it this once it's not that I don't trust you  because I do trust you it's just I wouldn't know what to do if she got hurt because of you flying around"

I gave her a hug and looked her in the eyes

"Hey it's ok your not alone anymore I want to keep her safe just as much as you do I would never let anything bad happen to her even if it costs me my life I love both of you so much even though we haven't been together for very long now let's go back home I'll help with the groceries"

She handed me a bag it was heavy

"What did you do buy the whole store"

"Well that's rude and to think I was going to make your favorite"

"Fried chicken with potatoes, and corn on the cob"

 "but with that comment I don't know"

" Please I'm sorry I didn't mean it"

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