Oh Brother

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Well it has been about four days since I left town with everyone I told them about my uncle and that my birthday is coming up 

"What you're birthday is tomorrow why didn't you tell me know sooner now I don't have time to get you a gift" 

"Yea master why didn't you tell me"

"Hey chill guys I don't need a gift I never really got one growing up anyways what I always did on my birthday was go out to eat with my brother that is how we celebrated our birthday I never got a present unless my brother got me something so it's ok"

"Wait you have a brother who is he do I know him"

"No you don't he's dead been dead for a couple years now" 

"Oh sorry man how did it happen"

"my father killed him and I killed my dad all on our birthday"

"Oh shit dude sorry I asked"

"Hey it's ok I have a better life now anyways let's focus on the present and the mission"

"Your right ready Lisa"

"Ready Jeff" 

We walked up to the front door of the castle me and jack in front with everyone else behind us we were all wearing suits and Lisa was wearing a red dress that revealed her chest we approched the guards

"Halt who are you" 

"This is prince Jeff from the neighboring kingdom of the west here to attend your prince's party" 

"Ah we have been expecting you who are these men and demon"

"These are my loyal bodyguards is there a problem with that" 

"No sir it's just unusual for a demon to be a bodyguard" 

"Well I can assure you he is quite skilled perhaps a demonstration"

I quickly vanished from the guards sight going behind him and putting a knife to his throat 


I took the knife off his neck and went back in front of Jeff putting my knife away I heard the guard sigh in relief

"Shall I let him continue" 

"No sir please go right in and have a great time"

We went inside and the place was huge white Walls gold trim it looked like something out of a fairytale Jeff and Lisa went to the ball room and joined in on the dancing and talking to people while the rest of us had to be against the wall observing which was fine by me so I could spot the prince we all had communication devices in our right ear 

"Lisa target acquired south of you next to the brunette getting a drink try getting him to the room next to the bar I'll meet you there" 

"Rodger that" 

"Guys once she enters the room create a distraction"

I went to the room next to the bar it was a storage room I had to wait there for a while but while I was waiting I cast a spell to make the room silent I also stood in a corner of the room Lisa came in with the target she locked the door

"Now that we're alone let's have some fun"

I popped out behind the target 

" Yes let's have fun" 

"Who the fuck are you" 

"Let's just say I'm someone who wants to change things"

"Look what ever you are planning if I scream you are dead" 

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