another fun day

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"Lee you beautiful son of a gun I am so happy I could kiss you" 

"I take it she said yes" 

"you bet your sweet ass she said yes oh my lord am I happy I'm so happy I'm going to jump out the window"

"wait what no stop"

I jumped out the window and started to fly around a bit then I flew back inside 

"don't do that again you scared me"

"dude you forget I have wings" 

"Yea so when is this date"

"it's Sunday if I have the day off which I should since the shop is closed on Sundays" 

"any idea where your going to take her" 

"no idea that's why I said Sunday I'll have a little more money and I'll know the town and her better" 

"that's actually really smart good going"

"you should get some sleep you have work tomorrow and it's the Grand re Opening so be on your toes" 

"yea yea I'll try to at least now go to bed your worse than my kid" 

"hey Lee I never asked how old are you and your son"

"my son it turning ten next month and I'm 30 how old are you"

"I'm only 20 or about to be 21 now that I think about it my birthday is this Sunday wow I totally forgot about that" 

"lucky you she might let you get some as a birthday present" 

"shut up I'm not focused on that but dude I have to tell you I got to feel her boob's they were so soft and they looked great" 

"when did this happen" 

We went swimming so when we got out she wanted to change but no place to change So I became the changing room and had to help her undo her bra then she lost her shirt  so I gave her mine" 

"you sly dog you did something with her shirt didn't you" 

"maybe it had a little fire mishap"

"bro you got guts" 

"thanks night"


We woke up at seven and ate then went to our separate jobs for the whole day we got out at about the same time though then about half an hour later Julie showed up I led her upstairs to meet Lee and told her what happened to him and how we met she wasn't too thrilled about the how we met part but she understood why then Malina knocked on my door

"excuse me sorry to interrupt but miss your going to have to go home now it's almost curfew and I can't allow non wedded couples to be together this late so mark take her home and be quick about it"

"yes ma'am come on Julie I'll take you home" 

"alright goodnight Lee miss Malina "

"good night Julie" 

"good night miss Julie" 

Ten minutes later

"well here we are night Julie" 

"um Mark about what happened yesterday did you torch my shirt"

"me I would never" 

"sure if I didn't like you I would kill you so don't try that sort of stunt again got it" 

"got it I won't try that again" 

"good by the way you owe me a new shirt" 

"Ok sure I'll get you a new one wait I gave you my shirt so we're even there oh looks like we're here" 

"yep well I'll see you tomorrow "

She gave me a kiss on the lips again I felt warmth and I swear there were butterflies in my stomach 

"well um g-goodnight"

I waved goodbye and flew home every time she kisses me my mind goes blank this has got to be love I think I got back to the Inn Lee was still up

"so how did it go"

"what you talking about I just walked her home"

"yea sure it was just a walk you at least get a kiss" 

"yea I did anyways why are you still up"

"I can't wrap my head around yesterday I was broke no job no friends or family but then I run into you and I get a complete one-eighty on my life I went over earlier to my wife's place and told her that I got a job and a place to live" 

"is she going to let you see your son"

"she said she'll think about it first she wants to see my job first then she'll let me see him so I told her that we just had the re opening and that she should come by sometime tomorrow"

"well good luck man hey you should bring your kid over sometime as long as she let's you" 

"of course dude got to introduce my kid to the man that changed my life"

"hey all I did was stop you from stealing"

"no you did more then that man"

"whatever dude your the one who made the choice to take my deal I just made the offer" 

"well I guess that's true in a sense"

"lights out everyone" 

"well you heard her night Lee" 

"night mark see ya in the morning"

Lee climbed in bed and I sat at the window with the spare blanket on my lap my mind was racing I was thinking just the other day I was in a boring and grey world and I was going to kill myself now my future is bright and I want to keep living

"thanks old man I owe you big"

"no you don't mark"

I spun around startled 

"old man how's it going" 

"eh pretty good and you don't owe me you already payed it"

"I did how when"

"with him you made his life better and That's all I ask of people that I bring here is to make them and others life better" 

" it was just the right thing to do though nothing big" 

"that's it though nobody ever thinks that way anymore its always me me me they never try to better the world just themselves and it pisses me off so it was bigger then you know thanks"

"hold up did I just get thanked by a god"

"yes now don't go getting a big head though thinking your a big shot now how are you liking this place" 

"it's amazing I have a date this weekend with a hot girl"

"really I just might have to do something about that" 

"you better not or if you do it better be something good"

"dude go to sleep we both got work geez"

"sorry I was just nevermind night"

"sorry see you later Mark"

He then vanished I looked out the window at the moon it was almost full it was beautiful well I better get to sleep or I'll be cranky in the morning

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