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I still had an hour left on my shift when Jhon showed up 

"Yo Mark kid wants you when you get a minute"

"Thanks Bruce I'll be there in a sec"

"Hey Jhon I still got an hour left on my shift why don't you have a seat over there and wait have a drink and something to eat if you want I'll get you when I'm done just let Bruce here know what you want"

"Alright you got it"

He went And sat at the end of the bar

"Hey Bruce keep an eye on him let me know if he does anything weird"

"Weird like how" 

"I don't know just keep me updated"


After my shift ended I asked Bruce about Jhon all he did was drink some coffee and work on papers I went up to Jhon he was drawing something

"What you drawing" 

"Just an idea I had of that thing the guy used a large version with more power and even more accurate"

"Good idea bring it we can use it follow me"

We left the inn and went to Jeff's the whole gang was there "Hey Mark how's it going" 

"Pretty good guys where are we at you all try the guns"

"Yep there kind of loud though"

"Trust me there nothing compared to this" 

"Wow what is that"

"A sawed off shotgun a guy had it last night tried to rob the restaurant I was at last night he killed himself before I could find out where he got it thor great job on the vest worked great oh and I want you guys to meet Jhon he's going to help us make the guns Jhon this is Thor my student lee one of my friends Jeff the Prince of this country Lisa his friend and Jack my brother in law"

"Nice to meet you all I hope I can help you guys" 

"Well let me show you around and what you are going to be making"

I grabbed one of the barettas and my Colt 45's we went to the range and shot them and the shotgun

"Damn that has some power to it been a while since I shot one" 

"You have used these before" 

"Oh yeah and many more back in my old world" 

"Wait there are other world's"

"Alright since you are here I'll give you the rundown on things yes there are other world's but they suck compared to here and what we are doing here is trying to make this world better by trying to fix problems and what not here" 

"Why make me a part of this I mean I'm not even that special"

"It doesn't matter if you're special or not it matters about what you do not what you are so you still want to do this or are you going to back out"

"I'll stay I'm a man of my word"

"Well you ain't no man yet but glad you are staying I'll show you to your work area and the blue prints to the guns"

I showed him the forge he said it needed to be remade or else it won't work and that we need to get the right tools and clay to make molds I showed him the blue prints he was impressed with how detailed they were 

"Hey Jeff you got any jobs yet"

"Nothing yet but I was able to get some more of that metal"

"Sweet how are we on powder" 

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