shower 18+

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(((warning this chapter is very inapropriate for young readers so i recomend dont read this unless you are 18 for contains moments of strong sexual content it's more of a bonus chapter)))

"Sorry for crying all over you want to take a shower you can use mine"

"I don't have a change of clothes though"

"that's ok I'll just clean yours while you're in there"

She winked at me 

"you really are a perv aren't you"

"no just curious and you know what they say about curiosity"

"yea it killed the cat"

"but satisfaction brought it back"

"your not going to stop are you till we get in that shower are you"



I got up and picked her up bridal style and went to the bathroom it was big with walk in shower and tub I locked the door after I set her on the edge of the tub and I proceeded to take my clothes off starting with my shirt 

"What are you doing" 

"What does it look like I'm going to take a shower"

"I know that but I didn't think you would want to with me I know I'm not that beautiful"

I threw my shirt down hard a bit angry that she would say that she looked at me

"Now stop right there I don't want to hear you say that you are not beautiful you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met your the one I choose to be my girlfriend no one else just you so if you have any dought about us stop you are my everything I would do anything and everything for you I know we haven't know each other that long but I'm pretty sure I have fallen for you so if you have problems tell me so I can help you ok even if it's the little things with Elizabeth or you or even your brother jack" 

I hadn't been looking at her saying this stuff but now that I did she was crying and standing in front of me she then did the unexpected and kissed me it was warm and full of emotion I kissed her back with the same amount of emotion we broke apart to catch our breath she then spoke

"I feel the same way about you Mark let's take a shower"

She started to strip and I just watched dumb founded for a sec then I took my pants off 

"Hey want to give me a hand" 

She moved her hair to reveal the bra clasp I went over and with one quick motion undid her bra

"How do you do that" 

"Lots of practice I used to put them on statues"

We then took off the last of our clothes

"Wow Mark your pretty big"

I looked down my  penis was erect the full six inches I quickly covered it 

"Ugh sorry about that i can explain"

"No it's ok it kind of makes me happy and I feel the same really come here I'll wash your back She put me on a chair after she had the water running I sat on it feeling the warm water fall down on me it felt good but not as good as what she started doing she took some soap and was washing my back with her boobs they were soft and she was moving up and down I felt like I was in heaven my mind went blank I turned to face her  she looked at me with a curious look I started kissing her I then felt my inner dragon take over I then tackled her to the floor and put her hands above her head with my right hand and with my left hand it was massaging her left boob She was moaning like crazy my left hand moved down too her pussy and I gently inserted one finger and moved it in and out and stopped kissing her and started sucking on her right boob 

"Oh Mark this feels so good"

I then inserted another finger and continued moving in and out My tongue was playing with her nipple I could tell she was about cum

"Oh don't stop I'm I'm c-cumming"

She came just then and hard I got off her and helped her to her knees I then pulled the chair over and sat down

"Where did you learn to do that to girls I thought you said you never had one" 

"Nope never had one but I learned that through tv and books" 

"Well you made me feel good it's my turn to make you feel good"

Before I could say anything she started sucking my dick it felt so good so warm and wet way better then just my hand she then took her boobs and started rubbing my dick in between them and sucking on the tip

"Oh my I think I'm about to cum"

"That's ok let it all out" 

I couldn't hold it anymore I burst like a volcano my cum shooting in her mouth and dripping onto her breast she swollowed it and was licking what was left on my dick 

"There now we're even"

"Holy crap that felt so good let's wash up and head to bed" 

"Ok I'm kinda tired too"

We finished washing up and got some pajamas on I was glad we didn't wake Elizabeth we slept in Julie's bed that night I was holding on to here not wanting to let go I fell asleep soon after she did.

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