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We left her place and started to walk around town 

"so that was your brother how long have you guys been living together"

"well we've only been living here together for a year he was traveling before then"

"really was he on a mission or just for fun" 

"just for fun should we be worried about blaze and him"

"no they should be fine"

"should be so there is a chance"

"will you relax were supposed to be having fun remember Jack has it covered and besides blaze is a dragon"

"fine I'll try to relax so were are we going"

"well to be honest I don't know I had a plan but blaze made me forget"

"so your winging it"

"eh more or less let's grab a bite"

"sure I know a great place it's just down the road"

The place she took me to was neat it kind of reminds me of a buffet the places name was the all you can eat that is the literal name of it 

"wow takes me back"

"what do you mean"

"oh back on my world I would go to one of these once a year on my birthday just to treat myself and my brother but it always made me feel sad because my brother and I watched all the other people with there happy family's and friends he always tried to be both a father and mother to me it was weird but fun"

"well your not alone anymore come on I'm starved" 

We went inside and it looked so cool there was so many different kinds of food and people we walked up to the front desk to the hostess 

"um table for two please" 

"Ok follow me please"

she took us to a table near the exit as I requested 

"here is a couple of menu's and can I start you two off with something to drink" 

"I'll have an iced tea with a slice of lemon"

"I'll have the same"

"alright I'll be back in a bit"

"so how often do you come here" 

"not too often I mostly cook but if I feel lazy I'll come here or when it's a special occasion at home" 

"well that's not true you also come to the Inn" 

"yea well I was just meeting Jeff there the first time I had just finished a job for him and I saw the food he was eating and I saw you making it so I got some" 

"that reminds me we got new daily specials that are my own creations you should try them sometime" 

"I already have" 

"what when I didn't see you while I was working" 

"Practically everyday this week I could see you in the back cooking and teaching everyone and I didn't want to bother you while you were working" 

"that's sweet of you but your never a bother so don't think you are one"

I held her hand then the hostess brought our drinks 

"Alright here you go are you ready to order now remember it's all you can eat so don't hesitate to ask for more food when you finish" 

"thank you I'll have a steak medium rare with a baked potato" 

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