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I talked to lee and he said he would join us after work me and Julie went down to Eli's school and to talk to the principal 

"Sir you are not allowed to be on the property"

"I believe that I am considering why we are here"

"Alright why are you here" 

"We are here concerning my daughter being bullied here and wondering how she should go about it so that it would be school appropriate"

"Look miss Julie here at this school we don't concern ourselves with bullying we leave the students to work it out so will you please leave my office filthy demon"

She mumbled the last part and I was upset I had my head down so my hair covered my eyes 

"Look here lady you may not care about Elizabeth but I do you disappointed i thought you humans were better than this let's go Julie"

We left the building and the property Julie ran up to me and hugged me from behind I stopped 

"Hey I know you are angry that they won't help but that's ok that just means that we can teach her how to handle herself and not be a victim to anyone and to stand up to people like her" 

I felt myself calm down thanks to her words 

"Thanks I feel better now could you let go through your squeezing too tight" 

"Ops sorry"

"It was a joke come here" 

I grabbed her and kissed her then flew up in the air carrying her bridal style while kissing her she started to freak out

"Relax or I might drop you" 

"Don't you dare" 

"Of course I wouldn't now what do you think of the view"

She looked around and at the ground I saw she was completely blown away and scared at the same time 

"It's so beautiful you get to see this all the time"

"No only when I fly but it's still not as beautiful as you are"

She kissed me again I flew us back to her house we walked in and Jeff was on the floor with Alexis holding him down biting his neck she looked at me

"Hey Jeff how's it going" 

"Pretty good except for the wolf biting my fucking throat" 

"Oh so you're comfortable right"

"No mother fucker get this damn dog off me owow" 

"Alright Alexis release and come" 

She let go of him and came up to me and sat next to me Jeff got up 

"You should put that thing in a cage or something"

"Who was the one who walked in"

"Me but the door was unlocked" 

"Well it's your fault for getting bit good girl anyways why are you here"

"Oh I just came to see how the team was going how many people you get"

"Three Jack, Lee, and Thor you?" 

"Just one an old friend of mine you think we're ready" 

"Not yet first we have to get everyone together and figure out our team work before we can even start changing the world" 

"Makes sense how about tomorrow after work we meet at my place and train"

"Ok where is your place"

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