meeting lee

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I woke up early the next morning I put on a shirt well the same shirt as yesterday and head to the kitchen and started cooking after about ten minutes of cooking Tiffany came down

"Morning mark what you cooking"

"Morning Tiffany just some eggs and bacon for everyone"

"everyone your cooking for everyone what made you do this"

" I wanted to thank everyone for welcoming me in and being so nice to me and this was the best way I could think of to do it"

"well then I'll give you a hand I'll set the table and give you tips for what everyone likes"

"sure thing thanks Tiffany"

About an hour of cooking later we were almost done while we were cooking people came down Tiffany made them sit at the table she also put plates together when I finished making everyone's plate then Malina came down

"what is going on down here and what smells so good"

"honey Mark made breakfast for everyone"

"well I did have help from Tiffany though"

She sat down and looked at everything then to us

"well are we going have to wait all day or are you going to sit and eat"

We sat down quickly

"Mark you say grace"

"Dear lord thank you for this food we are about to receive thanks for helping me find such nice people to live with and thanks for blessings all of us with good health and thank you for bringing me to this world Amen"

"what was that that you just said the last part"

Bob asked

"What the blessings of Good health"

"No after that the bringing you to this world"

"now that you mention it Mark where are you from"

"oh I'm from a far away land called Japan"

"never heard of that place before what's it like"

"hey chill guys I'll answer your questions after we eat ok"

"sounds fair enough alright everyone dig in"

Everyone ate quickly when she said that they chowed down like they were staved hobos or something so did I though when everyone was finished they started asking me questions about my home and me some of it I didn't answer like how I got here and other complicated stuff

"alright guys give him some room to breathe scram"

"thanks Bob you saved me there"

"no problem Mark by the way the dishes are all cleaned and put away for you"

"when did you nevermind what time is it"

"almost ten why"

"oh I was supposed to go help Malina with shopping today in a bit"

"you poor soul you better change before you leave don't want to look like a bum out there"

"well I would but this is all I've got I can just clean this before I go"

"no come with me I'll let you wear some of my old things they should fit you"

He then grabbed me and dragged me to his room were he threw some clothes at me I tried on a few and found some that fit me after I cut some holes for my wings

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