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I could barely sleep last night after finding out that I was going to be a father so I was a bit sluggish at work Malina asked me what was wrong with me I just told her that I didn't sleep that well last night she asked me why I told her I wasn't allowed to tell yet she let me go home early so I went to the restaurant from Last night I asked to talk to the owner they weren't too happy about that the man I met was about my height with black hair 

"Before we begin can we talk somewhere in private"

"Of course in my office"

He took me to his office 

"Can I offer you a drink"

"Sure scotch if you have it"

"So what would you like to talk to me about did you have a bad experience Mr" 

"Frost Mark Frost and I know who you are well where you are from"

"Really I'm from right here in this city" 

"Drop the act I know you are from the other world and that you are french"

"How do you know about that unless"

"You got it I'm from that world too except I'm from Japan same with my brother" 

"I thought I was the only one thank God I'm not I was thinking I would never meet someone from the old world I have so many questions for you first off how did you get turned into that"

"Well you won't believe this but the guy who brought you and me here he is my stepdad and he turned me into this" 

"Seriously can he change you back"

"He already tried but I said no I like this body it comes with alot of perks but I have some questions for you"

"Well that's to be expected go ahead and shoot"

"First off what happened to you to get here" 

"Well I got shot because I tried to help a friend and as I was bleeding out the old man asked me if I wanted to live I couldn't say anything I just raised my hand twords him and next thing I knew I was here" 

"How long have you been here anyways"

"About two months I think you"

"A couple of years"

"Well what have you been doing here" 

I work in a inn down the road and I'm working to make the world a better place for demons and humans I'm also getting married"

"Does she know about where your from" 

"Yep and I just found out after I went here I'm going to be a father" 

"Well you are a busy man aren't you definitely doing better than me"

"Well I have been here longer don't worry you'll get there thanks for the drink I have to go" 

"Wait but there is still more I want to talk to you about how can I get in touch with you" 

"Got a pen and paper here is my home number and this is my work place my boss is Mrs Malina take care I'll see you later"

I left him and made my way to Jeff's place feeling glad that I finally met someone who is not from here and is nice 

"Hey guys how's it going what we got"

"Well you seem to be in a good mood what you get laid" 

"Yes and I met a guy from my world"

"Seriously where" 

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