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I woke up on the floor for some unknown reason I got up feeling like I hit my head I looked over at the bed Julie wasn't in it my mind started racing with scenarios of where she was did something happen I got up and started searching the house first checking on Elizabeth she wasn't in there or the bathroom so I checked the kitchen that's where she was cooking and Elizabeth was watching TV so I snuck up behind Julie and quickly wrapped my arms around her waist scaring her for a moment

"Morning beautiful"

She almost dropped the pan but I caught it

"Oh shit don't scare me like that you ass hat"

"Sorry maybe this will make you feel better" 

I spun her around she only had a spatula in her hand and I started kissing her then I started smelling smoke that's when I pulled away and motioned to the pan she turned back to it and it caught fire so I quickly ate the flames and grabbed the pan putting it in the sink Julie was scared that I might of burned myself so she grabbed my hand and examined it which had no burns on it

"Don't do that again" 

"Wow that was cool mom hey your that man from yesterday who won the tournament"

"Are you forgetting that I am fire proof Don't worry so much about me ok " 

"I can't help to see someone grab something that was on fire I had to make sure you were ok and Elizabeth this is my new boyfriend his name is Mark why don't you say Hi"

"Hi Mark I'm Elizabeth are you a monster or something"


"Its ok Nice to meet you too Elizabeth and I'm a demon actually but don't worry I'm not the scary kind" 

"I think you look cool can you fly with those wings"

"Yes I can maybe some time I can take you flying with me"

"Ugh I don't think so that is too dangerous"

"Aw why not mom it sounds like fun"

"Absolutely not not until you are older" 


"Sorry you heard your mom she's the boss anyways how about we go out for breakfast" 


"But I wanted to make breakfast"

"Well you burned it so why don't I take you guys out for breakfast by the way why was I on the floor this morning"

"Oh you fell off the bed last night I tried to get you back into it but your heavy and I thought I was going to wake you" 

"Oh that explains it by the way last night was amazing for me how about for you"

"You mean the shower"

"Yep it's ok if you don't want to talk about it though"

"No it was wonderful last night I've never done that before and you surprised me when you tackled me to the floor" 

"Yea sorry if I hurt you when I did that" 

"Well it was great still and thanks for the pep talk too I needed that"

"What are you guys talking about"

"Nothing you need to worry about now you two get dressed and we'll go to my place real quick"

"Sure your clothes are over there in front of the fireplace just put my brothers stuff in his room" 

Her daughter went and got dressed and I put her brothers sweats in his room after I put my old clothes back on when she got done we headed to the inn when we got there bob called me over to the bar 

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