Eli's date

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Julie barely slept last night because she was so happy and excited about us getting married which kept me up all night practically so I was feeling annoyed and short tempered because of lack of sleep I let Julie sleep in and went to the kitchen where I was greeted by mom

"Good morning Mark"

"Ugh morning"

"Oh I take it someone didn't sleep well" 

"I barely slept Julie kept me up all night tossing, turning, talking, and activities god Don't get me wrong I love her but geez let a man sleep"

"Well have a seat I got just the thing to perk you up" 

"Thanks Mom" 

A couple of minutes later she handed me a glass full of brownish stuff

"What is that"

"You don't want to know it's my own hangover cure should do the trick"

"But I'm not hung over just tired"

"Trust me just drink it" 

I picked it up and looked at it in disgust

"Bottoms up" 

I chugged it it didn't taste as bad as I thought it would it was worse then I thought

"Morning bro" 

"Morning Bill"

"Dude you look like crap"

"That's what happens when you're girlfriend won't let you sleep"

"You tell her yet" 

"No just got up dude"

"Tell me what what's going on you two better not be keeping secrets from me" 

"You want me to tell her or you" 

"I better it's my news anyways" 

"What News did something happen are you two ok" 

"Other than I barely slept I'm good anyways you want to hear it or not"

"Will you just tell me already"

"Alright alright last night I popped the question to Julie hence why I barely slept" 

"You proposed what did she say" 

"She said yes obviously you going senile already mom"

"No I'm not and congratulations honey my little boy is getting married that's wonderful when do you guys plan on getting married" 

"Well we're not sure exactly but we're thinking of a summer or fall wedding"

"That's wonderful oh I have to tell your father I'll be back"

Mom walked out after hugging me like an anaconda squeezing it's prey

"Hey bro congrats again when should I throw you a bachelor party" 

"Really your already thinking of that"

"Hey I've been planning this for a while or I was before I came here"

"Yo dudes why is your mom being so noisy"

Jack said as he came out with the others 

"Can I tell him" 

"Why do you want to tell everyone even though it is about me and Julie"

"Because why not"

"No I'll tell well Jack I proposed to your sister last night and we're getting married"

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