baby Roxas

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It has been about five months since we found out about the dealer we have had a few sighting but nothing concrete and Julie is due any day now it's driving me nuts I can't even move without thinking about Julie and the baby I haven't been sleeping too well either Malina even told me to take some time off until the baby is here today because I wasn't working well Even the gang is worried about me

"Dude you look like shit what is going on"

"Eh it's the pregnancy the baby is due any day now and I just can't relax I'm so worried about it"

"Dude here eat this"

"Thanks what is it"

"A sub ham, cheese, and mushrooms"

"Thanks Jeff damn this is good" 

I was feeling sleepy after eating it I passed out on the couch when I woke up I felt a lot better Jeff was there

"Dude you put shrooms in that didn't you" 

"Yep sorry but you needed to relax"

"Thanks actually I appreciate it what time is it"

"About 6:30 you should probably get back to the old lady" 

"Yea see ya"

I was out the door when I saw Jhon running to me

"Hey Jhon what you running for"

"I-it's Julie the baby is coming"

"What are you serious where is she"

"At the house in bed the doctor is already there" 

"Well we have to go" 

I grabbed him and flew in the air

"What the fuck"

"I'm flying back home it's the fastest way"

I flew as fast as I could and landed in front of the house Jane was outside

"Mark good your here she's getting close"

I burst open the door and ran right to the bedroom 



I went right next to Julie and hugged Eli and held Julie's hand 

"I'm glad you're here"

"I got here as quickly as I could"

"You look alot better" 

"Yea you look good too" 

"Please I don't look that good I'm pushing a baby out of me for Christ sake"

"How are we doing doc" 

"We're getting close I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside though at least in the living room"

"Alright Julie I'll be in the living room so don't worry just focus on yourself and the baby" 

"Alright I will I love you"

"I love you too"

I kissed her hand and left the room and sat in the living room it was nerv wracking hearing Julie cry out in pain and knowing I couldn't do anything to help there was a knock on the door I answered it was Jhon, Jack, Lee, Thor, Jeff, lisa, Bill, and Anna

"What are you all doing here" 

"Jhon came and told us that Julie was having the baby and you know I had to come"

"Jhon did you really get all of them"

"Yep I went to were everyone lived and I called Bill for you"

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