18+ (extra chapter)

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"What is it"

"Well I want to go all the way with you do you want to"

Her face went redder then I have ever seen it before I knew my face was red too this would be our first time going all the way with sex

"A-are you s-serious right n-now"

"More than I ever have been in my life I love you and I am willing to do anything for you but if you aren't ready yet that's okay I can wait for as long as you say"

"I-its not that I don't want to do it with you it's just that i-I'm afraid that I would disappoint you" 

"Hey you can never disappoint me I was actually worried that I would disappoint you after all this would be my first time"

"Really in this world that you mean right" 

"No I mean ever out of both worlds I never had sex with anyone never even thought about it till you came into my life that is but like I said earlier if you aren't ready yet that is ok I can wait" 

"No I am ready but are you sure you want me to have your first"

"Yes weather it's my first or my last I don't care I want them all to be you"

"You know I have made so many mistakes in my life I don't feel like I deserve you"

"Same here you Know but here we are together and that is what we should focus on the present not the past or the future so don't worry about mistakes you have made and let's do this"

"Ok but shouldn't we do this in the bedroom" 

"Typically yea I guess we can take a shower afterwards" 

(Warning 18+ scene) 

We went to the bedroom and locked the door behind us

"Wait I got a spell I want to try" 

I cast a spell that makes it so no sound can escape the room "Ok now no one can hear us so we can be as loud as we want" 

"Ok I guess we should strip right" 

I started to take my clothes off till I was in my underwear

"Hey do you mind" 

She showed me her back and moved her hair so I could undo her bra I quickly and Swifty undid her bra 

"I still can't believe how good you are with a bra"

She said as she faced me 

"Well I used to work in a clothing store and I had to handle with alot of bra's"

She stood in front of me covering herself with her hands I walked up and started kissing her she started to relax I hugged her still kissing her I stopped and pulled away looking at her she gave me a smirk and bent down to my member that was fully erect 

"I still can't believe how big it is and look I can't even fit it all in my mouth"

She said putting her mouth around my member and proceeded to go up and down her mouth was so warm she then put my member in between her breast she started slowly  and slowly picked up speed it felt fantastic I felt myself getting close to burst and I did all over her face and chest

"H-holy cow you are really good at that you know"

She wiped off my cum with a towel she brought from the bathroom 

"Well I have had some practice since you came here"

"Well in that case my turn"

I quickly picked her up and placed her on the bed and got on top of her kissing her I then moved from her mouth to her neck kissing and sucking it I took my left hand and massaged her left breast I then moved from her neck to her right breast leaving a trail of kisses as I proceed to her right breast I started to use my mouth and tongue to play with her nipple flicking and sucking it still playing with her other Brest with my left hand I used my right hand and played with her pussy 

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