2: hide and go barrel

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(a/n, when you were reading chapter one and got confused at what scramble fight, means, it's another way of saying tickle fight, this HC of mine started with the Roger Pirates and spread and came to inspire me from a picture on Pinterest of Marco and Ace wrestling on the floor with the caption saying it looks like a tickle fight, anyway on with the story) 

The next day, Luffy's POV 

Running out of the kitchen onto the deck intending on looking for Chopper but he's nowhere to be found" Chopper where are you?" Usopp called" the guy is small so he can hide practically anywhere you know." Nami said shaking her head as I jumped down top the lower deck, Usopp sliding down.

A clatter of a barrel lid closing caught my attention, smirking I walked over and sat on the barrel, Yamato cocking her head confused at what I'm doing" come out wherever you are, yo, Zoro, you throw this barrel of trash into the ocean?" I asked" sure, just get off the barrel." He said when I heard Chopper screaming" I'm not trash! Let me out!" he yelled before exploding out of the barrel in his human form causing me to go flying with a shout of surprise grabbing the railing and slingshotted back on the deck.

"You didn't have to traumatize the kid." Yamato said," this happened before." Nami said," who was the victim in that prank?" She asked" me, that's how I first met Shanks, I got payback by throwing a glass at his head and started a prank war." I said remembering back to that day when I first met him.


Running down the street I hid behind a pillar of one of the buildings, looking up in awe of the massive pirate ship docked at the pier as the crew came dancing down the street having a makeshift party like a bunch of college students happy to be on land again' so this is a pirate crew? Cool!' I thought.

Waiting for the crowd to pass I made a b-line for the ship, jumping onto the pier, climbing the gangplank, and silently landing on the deck, like the ship itself the deck is massive as I scrambled over to a crate hiding behind it peeking out from behind it to spy on the remaining crew having a conversation" nice to be on land again, how long are we going to be here?" A long black-haired man asked," we're not in a rush, we'll be here for a while." A blonde hair-dyed man said.

"You're right about that, maybe a few months to a year, who knows." A redhead said, he looked more intimidating with the jet black trench coat strung over his shoulders, the straw hat he's wearing didn't help break that intimidation factor" maybe you'll meet the right girl and settle down, who knows." A bald fat man said he's wearing a couple of sizes too small striped t-shirt and chowing down on a turkey leg.

"Oh shut up! It's not like I'm going to find a lady here." the shot back" you said it yourself that you want to find a girl, maybe it's here you'll find her or somewhere else, we're not being pushy." The black-haired man said," you do know that you're on a ship filled with horny single men, we're bound to compete for a lady." The blonde hair-dyed man said.

Waiting for a little bit until their backs are facing me I sprinted over to a barrel and hopped inside peaking out of the top" just admit it, I can sense that you want to find a girl and be the lucky man." A dirty blonde man said, he had red, blue, and black streaks running through his hair, he's wearing a black leather jacket with a navy blue shirt underneath it and blue jeans not really fitting in with the other 4 hanging out.

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