31: sneak attack

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(a/n happy holidays guys! Here's a belated Christmas present, also, added bonus, I have a new story up called Bleach: Fall and Rise, enjoy!)

3 weeks later, Jinbei's POV 

Over the last few weeks, everyone's been training to master advanced conquerors' haki after Shanks and Luffy had an all-out fight so Shanks can see just how strong Luffy is that lasted through the entire night and ended with the both of them nearly knocking each other out cold, Luffy was barely able to stand and Shanks laying on the ground with how hard they were laughing after Luffy cracked a joke.

During the fight, the young man hit Shanks with a gum-gum pistol in gear 2nd and Shanks admitted that it actually felt like a bullet, after that training started along with the sneak tickle attacks when the others were least expecting it, like Lex I also thought that Benn would be second on the list but it was Yamato since she didn't warn Shanks that Luffy was about to slingshot into him as soon as the door opened.

As another training day closed I watched as Benn walked up the stairs and went below deck Shanks quietly followed him a few minutes after the door closed" it's about time, one bomb of playful tension explodes and you build up another one." Perona said," I didn't intend to." Shanks said," what did tickle fights look like with those 2?" Chopper asked.

"Unannounced, wild, and abrupt, they will drag other people into the tickle fight so stay 20 ft away when one breaks out," Yasopp said," they started one in the bar once and dragged Makino into it, I didn't stick around since I hightailed it out of there," Luffy said," I'm guessing it was still like that even though Shanks had only one arm for 12 years." Chopper said," they still happened yes but cut in half since Benn found it kind of unfair to win every single one." Roux said.

Chopper hummed while nodding, looking over to Yamato, she smirked crossing her arms" I can bet those go on for an hr or more." She said," yeah pretty much, the shorter ones lasted for 30-45 minutes while the longer ones lasted for like 90 minutes considering their stamina is insane even though Benn smokes." Monaco said.

"Hello! I said that the monster has been reawakened! This tickle fight might last upwards of 2 hours." Doc said pointedly, Nami choked while Chopper collapsed on the stairs in shock" jeez, it's like Luffy and Zoro that one time again." Chopper breathed" when did that happen?" Yamato asked," uh, just after we left Fishman Island." Franky said.

Benn's POV 

laying on the bed and looking up at the ceiling full of pages of unraveled truths that the WG covered up, unlike Lex's prediction that I would be the second to be tickled senseless Shanks has left me to be the last to be tickled as another shudder of nostalgia came and went when a knock on the door sounded.

Getting out of bed I shook my head smirking, the first tickle fight I had with Shanks after getting on the crew started because of the same trick and him shoving me back onto the bed before ending up on the floor when it was all over. Getting to the door I waited for a few seconds then whipped the door open, grabbed Shanks so fast that he yelped, and tossed him onto the bed with a shriek" don't think I'd fall for that trick again." I said and pounced on him.

After a short tussle, I pinned him down and loomed over him with a maniacal grin on my face" hey hey hey! If it makes you feel any better you only fell for it like half of the time." Shanks said frantically" a quarter actually." I said and went to town scribbling my fingers all over his sides and stomach.

The red-head went berserk, unlike when Luffy tickled him outside of the abandoned house was squirming around like a fish out of water, his back arched to try and get away, and bucking around like crazy screaming with laughter" STHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHI CAHAHAHAN'T THAHAHAHAKE IT!!" Shanks managed" are you kidding me? I just started and we're a long way from being done, just hold tight." I said wash boarding my fingers over his ribs.

He shrieked out loud and started squealing while trying and failing to pry my hands from his ribs when my hands landed on his armpits and he started roaring with laughter and very nearly threw me off the bed but it was enough to get us onto the floor" ALHHIHIHIGHT!! YOHOHOHU AHAHAHAHSKED FOHOHOHOR THIHIHIHS!!" Shanks shrieked and started tickling me.

I yelped feeling the cold prosthetic hand planted onto my side and vibrating as we started rolling around the floor, both of us laughing messes. After I don't know how long I somehow managed to get to his feet and started scribbling my fingers over every inch of skin and Shanks was just squealing shrilly and stopped tickling me altogether and collapsing back onto the floor.

"See how the table has turned." I giggled" OHOHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHOD!! STAAAAHP!! IHIHIHI CAHAHAHN'T TAHAHAHKE IT! STOP!!" Shanks roared when I tickled his heel, snickering I stopped and got off his legs, the redhead immediately curled up in the fetal position shaking with residual laughter from ghost tickles.

"That felt good to get out." I said," oh it felt good, take this." This is the last thing I heard before being tackled to the floor again, laughter filling the room, it's going to be a long night.

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