1: sparking playfulness

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Foosha, Makino's POV

Pouring a glass of beer, I put the bottle down, picking the glass up about to walk over to Woopslap when something changed, aside from the happiness and excitement over Luffy's latest victory there was something else.

An all too familiar playful aura that I felt 12 years when Shanks and his crew were here, it felt like everything went slow motion as a wide smile came onto my face remembering all the fun I had with him over that year including the snowball fight with him, Benn and Luffy watching on the side while I tried to not have him shove a snowball in my face, Benn just shoved a snowball down my jacket as a devious tag team.

A glass shattering on the floor snapped me out of my thoughts, looking down I saw the remains of the glass I was holding, beer splattered all over the floor" you ok? You looked out of it." Woopslap said, taking one look into his eyes there's a raging glint of uneasiness" you feel the playfulness too? It's been 12 years and it's about time they meet up." I said.

"With the recent increase to his bounty that bastard is ready." He said, I giggled" you're right." I said.

Shell Town, Ripper's POV

Walking out on the roof I looked out to sea rubbing my neck with a slight headache from the chaos going on in the cafeteria, I closed my eyes, and the only thing I can feel is playful tension, over the last 2 months I've felt it grow from the weak spark to a very strong raging current that feels like it's going through me.

Today was the day that everyone decided to riot in the cafeteria partying while the rest of us went somewhere quiet to hang out, me as well. the last time I felt it was nearly 3 years ago when I burst into the cafe where Straw Hat was, it was only a brief spark, at some point it's going to blow up from how palpable it is.

Syrup Village, Kaya's POV 

Jotting down some notes I stopped, slowly putting the quill back on the desk, I gulped down the lump in my throat before looking toward the window, for the last 2 months, there's been this feeling of playfulness that just keeps getting stronger into this tension to the point I can barely write since it's bound to explode any day now.

The kids have been running around town going nuts screaming that pirates are going to reunite, remembering when Luffy said the exact same thing and it's going to be pandemonium when they do, this is just the lynchpin to that breaking point when Merry walking into the room and straight to the balcony.

"You feel the playful tension?" I asked," yes ma'am and I feel like I'm going to go crazy like the veggies are screaming around the village about it." He said, I hummed, either way, this is going to blow up into utter pandemonium.

The Baratie, Zeff's POV 

Walking over to the stairs I glanced at the new wanted posters of Sanji and Luffy then turned to look out at the dining room, the place is quiet when usually it's loud with customers conversing with each other, but this might have something to do with the playful tension in the air.

Some of the customers are smiling and others look nervous as I went upstairs and outside to the balcony where a few of the chefs are looking out in the direction of the grand line" hey boss, you feel the playful tension too?" Patty asked," yes I do and it feels like it's going to explode at any time." I said.

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