30: monster reawakened

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Benn's POV

"Oh my god, I thank you for the prosthetic arm but because of it you awakened an old monster." I heard Doc say shakily" I didn't think he'd test out the new arm by tickling you silly." Franky said" what would you expect? didn't Luffy tell you guys about the scramble fights when we were at Foosha?" Doc asked," I did, I put it more as massive games of tickle tag." Luffy said.

"That doesn't help the rest of you!" Franky shot back, Luffy giggled" oh yeah, I should also mention that Benn is Shanks' other half of the tickle monsters." Luffy said, I shuddered at the feeling of nostalgia glancing over to Mihawk who looks utterly terrified since after every fight they had and the days he crashed at the ship is when Shanks took every opportunity to wreck him.

Perona giggled hysterically" you going to help me out of this mess?" Mihawk asked" no way, it's every man for themself, hey Luffy! Didn't you tell us the payback your crew did by scaring Shanks shitless?" She asked," yeah I just told you." He said" then shouldn't you be running for your lives?" She asked," if you say so, come on Usopp!" Yasopp said" right be-HEY!! put me down!" Usopp started then yelped when Yasopp picked him up and they booked it.

"I'll be fine since Luffy nicknamed my fruit the tickle-tickle fruit," Robin said, Luffy laughed" didn't I surprise attack you a few times?" He asked, she sighed" yeah you did." She said," you're the one that planned this whole thing, I'm pretty sure you're the first on his hit list." I said pointedly" bingo." Shanks said, Luffy chuckled nervously" hah, bye." He said and bailed screaming bloody murder.

Robin shook her head crossing her arm, sprouted an arm from a tree, and threw him at the redhead who caught him" thanks for the throw!" Shanks called" why'd you throw me under the carriage!?" Luffy shouted," Dad's right, you are the one that planned this whole thing, better to get it over with sooner than later." She said," I should say this now, I'm declaring a scramble fight so expect the unexpected over your crews' training session for the remainder of your time here, stay on your toes." Shanks said.

Nami, Sanji, and Zoro glanced over at each other realizing why he gave up on hunting them down last night as the sounds of Luffy's shrieks and squeals of laughter filled the air" well at least I'm safe from this." Brook sighed when Mac cleared his throat, Aka barked a laugh" did you forget when we first met I punched your soul out of your body and tickled you silly?" She asked" well crap, I forgot about that." He said.

I smiled shaking my head at their antics, I'm probably the last on the list since I figured he was going to plan this meticulously for the last decade and I never told Shanks, the waiting period is coming to its conclusion" you never told Shanks that Luffy would plan something 12 yrs ago, you're second on the hit list, not the last one." Lex said walking by, I shrugged smirking not really caring.

15 minutes later, Usopp's POV 

Dad dropped me unceremoniously onto the ground" why'd you carry me all the way here?" I asked" instinct, it's what I usually do when scramble fights are declared, Shanks is just going to be patient." He said" I'm the one that landed on his back falling at 200 mph! Not you!" I said, he laughed" he told me that after I nagged him about it." He said," by the way, why are we doing at this track?" I said.

"Remember when I told you about barrel boarding down the street and ended up crashing into a giant straw pile when he couldn't turn and Roux had to shoot the barrel to get me to stop on our last visit to Syrup village?" Dad asked, I laughed" I still do, if I remember correctly you said Shanks was sitting on top of the storage shed and your crashing into the wall made the ceiling break from under him." I said.

He grumbled," I was finding straw in my hair for weeks afterward, anyway, the first time we came here Monaco, Lex and I found it and it was a blast, to say the least." Dad said" you're offering? I'm in! But how do you stop?" I asked," it's been raining all day so the mud will stop you." Dad said," what about on dry days?" I asked," people jump off the board, that or there's a stop board." He said.

I grinned" let's go already!" I cried running over, grabbing a board, and scrambling up the stairs" I'm right behind you! no need to rush!" He called, I laughed, this is going to be fun.

(a/n I got the inspiration for the barrel boarding thing from watching the Fairy Tail AMV Here's To Never Growing up and seeing the clip of Gray barrel boarding)

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