14: meeting the clown

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Usopp's POV

"So Nami, who is this Buggy?" I asked," 2 years ago I was in Orange town back in the East Blue trying to rob him when Luffy came crashing out of the sky and offered for me to join his crew and we had to fight him, he has the chop-chop fruit giving him the ability to separate his body as if a butcher cut him up, Luffy was pissed at him since he stabbed his hat with his knives, pretty sure Shanks was too." Nami said.

"Yeah he was pissed demanding to know why and his payback was training me like he wanted to kill me, you see this?" Buggy said tossing a bent pie tine at us, I caught it" did he do this?" I asked dreading to know the answer.

"Yeah, basically. The day we met up with him we launched this massive pie and hit Roux instead of Shanks, Tetsu cuts my hair off and I go after him, I get chucked into the whipped cream pile then chased Shanks around the ship throwing whipped cream at him. That failed and the next day he comes jogging up and chucks one at me full strength bending the damn thing and I realized, yeah I'm going to die if I let my guard down." He explained.

We paled looking over to the redhead then to the pie tin before pretty much having a meltdown" what the hell's wrong with Luffy making a friend as powerful as that?!" I cried" he's insane, that's what." Buggy said giving us even more fuel to the fire for the freak out as Shanks started laughing, glaring at him he's keeled over laughing.

"Are you seriously the best at what you do or are you a couple of cowards?" He asked, grumbling I took the tin and chucked it, hitting him in the head" oh shut up, we're good at what we do but we're not as crazy as these guys jumping in first like the monster sextet, so please don't nag us about it." Nami said as Chopper walked up to him, taking a smell of him then snuggling up rubbing his head on his arm.

"So is this your pet? Don't you have a doctor? How'd you survive this long and through a war on Wano?" Shanks asked," I have some medical expertise but not much, he's the doctor." Nami said," uh, this is a full-grown reindeer, how does that work plus what is his name?" He asked," oh, my name is Chopper and I'm a first-class doctor." Chopper said, Shanks, along with the rest of the crew froze upon hearing his voice.

"Monster! Monster!" Buggy shrieked, freaking out with the rest of his crew, Shanks on the other hand is just staring at him incredulously, eyes wide while Mac is laughing hysterically" cool, he's a talking reindeer, is a mink or something?" Shanks asked weakly" no, he ate the human-human fruit when he was a calf, he's also a yeti in his human form." I said coolly" and I thought I'd seen everything on the seas  over the last 25 years, apparently I haven't." Shanks said.

"Well how about knowing that Luffy has 2 substitute soul reapers on his crew, one of which being a dark angel candidate with one possessor type and one kido type, the zombie being able to control ice and sound having awakened his zanpaktou after being stuck on a ship in the Florian triangle for 50 years and no shadow toward the end of it thanks to Moria, your welcome, he ripped a page out of your book," I said smirking.

"In other words, I can knock you out since I sense you're possessed by a demon but there's no way in hell I'm fighting you if your as powerful as your power hints at." Zoro said," who'd you train under for 2 years?" Shanks asked" Mihawk, he told me about the fights he had with you, they sound epic but terrifying to know what you're capable of 12 years ago, and even now." He said.

Slowly taking out a couple of paint stars and my slingshot I aimed at the still freaking out clown and fired, hitting him in the chest and face-covering him in paint" oi! Who shot that!?" Buggy demanded" me." I said," the girl was right that I can separate my body and I can send out my limbs out if you want a paint fight you'd lose without observation." Buggy said.

That's when I noticed his right hand was disconnected holding a mudball before chucking it, I ducked and Yamato sidestepped, me launching a couple more starting a one on one mud and paint faint dancing around each other just goofing around" you're going to run out before that's over you know!" Mr. 3 called" I can still fire mud balls with my slingshot you know." I said," still is going to be entertaining to watch." A woman said.

"Will you 2 stop goofing around!" Nami yelled," they need to get some energy out, leave them alone." Zoro said, out of the corner of my eye I saw Benn walking back to the other with Luffy like a suitcase, and his face is covered in mud along with his trench coat.

Nami's POV

Looking away from the mud and paint fight and over to Luffy and Benn I nearly choked on my laughter seeing the grey-haired man with his face covered in mud along with his trench coat and carrying Luffy like a suitcase" well you're back, who won the tickle fight?" I asked," I lost for once." Benn said, taking a look at Luffy his hair is caked in mud but otherwise mostly clean, his hands covered in mud, Shanks laughed.

"Looks like you lost a fight with a mud pit!" He guffawed" oh shut up, you're worse for wear!" He shot back, Shanks shrugged childishly giggling" how long were you on the crew to turn your hair grey?" I asked," I've been on the crew for 19 years, and being the level head of both Shanks and the entire crew which mind you is full of crazy people with wild sides causes a lot of stress and most of that is from Shanks acting like a 5-year-old half the time." Benn said.

" well, Nami is the level head of our crew along with being the navigator freaking out at every bounty increase," Sanji said," Oh don't worry about that, it's just good work you've done," Shanks said" hard work?! I just see it as more people looking to come after us now that Luffy is Joy Boy!" Nami shot back" once you've become yonko fewer people come after you since people know you're freakishly powerful." Roux said.

Yamato snorted" you know Nami if you keep stressing out over the little thing your hair will go grey like Benn and you're only 20." She said," why do you have to crush my heart again?" Sanji whined when I realized what she meant as I took my climatact growling, squeezing it I proceeded to hit everyone over the head angrily before electrocuting them" then don't act like a bunch of 10-year-olds!" I yelled.

"That won't help flipping out on them either," Benn said carefully" don't mess with her she can let loose haki laced lightning if she so chooses." Mac said," she scary." Shanks said weakly as I aimed the rod at Usopp then extended it hitting him in the back causing him to shout before flying into Buggy, into a tree, and into a puddle.

"That brings an end to that crap." I said," opposites do attract, are you sure you're not in love with Luffy?" Shanks asked smirking, I turned to him glaring, he reeled back" you want another blow to the stomach but this time coated in haki? Say it again, I dare you." I said menacingly, he put his hands up in surrender" nevermind I that." He said" good, I don't want to hear teasing about girlfriends out of your mouth." I said darkly putting it away.

"Thanks a lot, Nami! we were just getting started!" Usopp yelled" oh shut up! You had your fun, you can clean up at the ship." I said then looked over to Benn trying to walk off without being noticed still carrying Luffy" oi, where do you think you're going?" I asked" the river, that's where." Benn said innocently.

"Run for your life if you want to live," Shanks said and that's what he did with Luffy laughing maniacally" you just troll him?" Yamato asked," only Makino was able to do that, congrats." Shanks said" oh scare him to the point of acting like a little 10-year-old? Thanks." I said smirking mischievously, that's going to be fun.

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