10: arrival

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The next day, Shanks' POV

Calming down from a laughing fit after Buggy's crew freaked out about the giant tree and the explanation of the Viking mythology of the worlds from Mac as I leaned on the railing letting out a breath" I'm home." I said," wouldn't you consider this place a prison and not your home?" Rockstar asked," I never considered it a prison, I came down to the ground a few times to watch other pirates crews messing around with allies they met up with since I'm the son of a former yonko and raised by Brikins, I only met my mother 18 years ago to visit my home island." I explained.

"Who's your father?" Rockstar asked," Rocks D. Xebec, please don't tell anyone." I said" I'm sorry what?! You were born to the man who wanted to be the king of it?!" Rockstar demanded" yeah, unfortunately. That's why I got along with Ace as well as I did, I hate the man with every cell of my being along with Blackbeard who has inherited his will, Roger threatened to kill me when he gave me the straw hat if I acted anything like him and from that day I fully understood my father was a major piece of work, I was only 9." I said flatly.

"Damn, I'm sorry for flipping out on you if you look like you want to kill someone." He said," let me tell you when he first explained he pretty much destroyed everything in sight before getting blackout drunk." Mac aid" I'm going to leave you alone, I don't want to be on your shit list." Rockstar said walking off" alright! Whoever heard that please stay away from him if you value your lives." Buggy said," we don't have to be told twice." Galdino said leaving me to remember first meeting Roger.

30 years ago

"Why are we at the lift? Are we expecting someone?" I asked," yes, the man who dropped you off here told me to raise you for 8 years before coming back to take you out to sea, his name is Roger D. Gol, a yonko. The first reason why was because you were going to be hunted down by the marines and killed, the second reason was that they were raising another baby they found on Loadstar Island and couldn't care for you at the same time." Balthazar explained.

"I get it, they killed my biological father who wanted to be king of the world and my mother didn't want to be killed because of me and handed me off to him and I'm thankful for that." I said," you really don't care at how close you were to death 8 years ago do you?" He asked," you never told me, you should've since you raised me and I consider you to be my father and not the piece of trash." I said.

"So you don't care if you become a pirate?" Balthazar asked," I want to experience the world and the fun it has to offer, I think I milked all of that up here and on the island, becoming a pirate is the best chance of making new memories." I said," you never even went down to where the Fishmen hang out, you haven't milked all the memories from here." Balthazar said, I hummed shrugging my shoulders.

"Maybe when I come back I can go down there, I've palled around with the ones that came up here and had a blast with them," I said," kid, you've never experienced winter on the ground, you're not done making memories by a long shot," Balthazar said" what do you mean? I'm used to the cold, what's so special about it?" I asked," Oh god, I really should've brought you to the ground when it snowed." He said.

"I've heard you talk about it, I just wasn't interested, what do you do with it?" I asked, he sighed heavily" you play in it. The trainees including myself that have free fallen during snowfalls end up crashing into massive snowbanks and getting into aerial snowball fights restricting observation and impact dials to send out waves of snow to cover each other in the snow or roll down a hill getting covered in snow all the same or sledding. it's always a blast." He explained.

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