26: last man standing

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30 minutes later, Usopp's POV

It's been 30 minutes since the laugh-fest of the stories, I flinched when a hand grabbed the railing before Luffy landed on the deck" crampy legs strikes again!" Shanks yelled," hey at least I lasted for a little over an hour!" Luffy shot back, Sanji broke down laughing and wiped out.

"Ok now that you're on deck, spill prankenstein." I said," excuse me, Monaco called me a prankenstein, am I the third wheel here?" Yasopp asked, the rest of us fell apart laughing" make way for the new generation." Chopper said making us laugh all the harder as a faint rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance" burn so hard." Monaco cackled" watch your back little guy, I promise there's a mud ball waiting for you when this is over." Yasopp said.

"Behind a tree 50 feet away like Usopp?" Chopper asked," that was only 1 time and he never did that both times he was home, his target was Benn and Shanks wanting a 1 on 2." Usopp said," how crazy are you?!" Rockstar screeched" let's just say a small village snuffs out your personality, find an outlet and you're hyper." Yasopp said" is Benn the level head or is it me? I've been on the crew for 2 years and I haven't been as crazy as the others." Rockstar said.

"Let's just say the captains of their crews find the people having been forced to grow up fast and that results in the crazy," Monaco said motioning his head over to Robin as an example.

"She's just one, Benn is another one but his island wasn't obliterated, 6 people he was close with were killed and as a result, he just plunged deeper into his work like Robin was just trapped in a dark tunnel with only his friends as his mental crutch only seeing a brief flicker of light at the end of it when Shanks smashed the pie in his face when he was 23.

When did he explain all of that? When we were on an island, it was autumn since we were going around the north blue for a few months to recruit and Yasopp just echoed everything being said, that's where they go crazy half of the time we got to an autumn island, pretty screwed up." Mac said.

"Nevermind I said, just tell me the full story but damn that's dark," Rockstar said," oh it gets darker and might put you off winter." Mac said," like me watching my only friend other than the soul reapers being frozen to death?" Robin asked," yeah, like that." Mac said.

19 years ago, Benn's POV

Taking the cigarette out of my mouth I dropped it into the water breathing in the crisp air gazing at the beauty of the fiery colors of the leaves when I heard hysterical maniacal giggling, turning to Yasopp he's leaning on the railing with a crazy look in his eye, Mac is sitting on the railing rubbing his hands and a mischievous glint raging in his eye.

"What's making you crazy?" I asked," what fun did you have in the autumn?" Mac asked," uh watching the kids in the younger grades when we were training goof around kicking leaves at each other." I said.

"Wait what?" Yasopp asked, I sighed heavily" the island I grew up on wasn't corrupt government wise, crime still flourished with the gangs all over the place, after a couple of months in kindergarten one of the 7th graders soru'ed over to our table and scared the ever-loving shit out of us shouting welcome to training newbies and then we learned kindergarten is when we learn rokoshiki and just fighting skills in general, all of that goes down at a massive quarry.

So we all go home and ask our parents if we can go and they said yes since they did the same thing when they were in school and the next day is day one of training being instructed by a few 6th graders and being in kindergarten through to grade 2 we goofed around in between our training.

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