18: own up and switch

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2 hours later, Yasopp's POV

"Thanks for getting my mind back on track, if you hadn't I think a bullet would be in my head by this point." I said opening the door" you needed it otherwise Shanks would be inconsolable." Benn said" same with Usopp, now go and own your ass up to your son, I'm going to ask Aka something." Benn said.

We walked out of the room and split up, out of the corner of my eye Shanks is sitting on the floor looking to have bawled his eyes out and ios now half asleep, I shook my head continuing to the galley.

Sanji's POV

Grumbling in frustration at Monaco, trying to stop having his freak I walked over to Roux" yo, can you help me out with something?" I asked" sure, what do you need?" He asked" some help in a prank or more like payback." I said jabbing my finger at Luffy, Roux laughed" I've been waiting for that to happen since it was 12 years in the making and Luffy back then was a troll and still is now, what's the deal with the skeleton?" He asked.

"Long story short he has the revive-revive fruit, meaning if he dies, he comes back to life and the worst place to get wiped out is the Florian triangle and he finds his body a year later and on top of that he's the second substitute soul reaper, he's the one who scared Monaco shitless back in Wano," I explained grinning, he snorted.

"Thanks for the blackmail, let's go." Roux said" what blackmail?" Monaco asked when Luffy nearly died laughing" he knows what happened, watch your back!" He guffawed" then why'd you sell me out in the place!?" I demanded," I told you he's a troll, he did that to Yasopp all the time when he pulled a prank and a few times on Shanks." Roux said while Mac was laughing hysterically as we b-lined for the door, walking past Benn and straight for the galley.

"What do you have in mind?" Roux asked," switch out the booze for either soda or root beer so Luffy can lay the smackdown, your welcome." I said, he laughed" what else do you have in mind?" Roux snorted.

" you might not believe me when I say this but Nami's weather rod is possessed by one of Big Mom's homies that were never loyal to her and it's basically alive and Yamato told her to place it in the hallway so Shanks finds, it Zeus speaks and he freaks out, in a nutshell, Luffy wants to scare the ever-loving shit out of him and Chopper was the appetizer course and Robin is to follow since she ate the hana-hana fruit she can clone her torso, she's been scaring the crap out of Zoro with that little trick pretending to be a zombie every time it's about to storm," I explained, he keeled over laughing hard.

"Oh I can't wait for that inevitable outcome when you see the face where he's basically daring someone to goad him on and people and turned away, you're doing this very smartly at the risk of being destroyed in a scramble fight or a mud fight only using soru and skywalk, the 3 of us have been waiting for this and don't care, along with the other 6 and Buggy's been screaming at us we're crazy until Monaco talked to him and he understood but still called us crazy." He said.

A minute later we got into the galley where Usopp and Yasopp are talking and making up" hey guys, you switching the booze?" Usopp asked," is that the first prank?" Yasopp asked," yeah it is." I said, he giggled" I look forward to the meltdown." He said," aren't we all?" Usopp asked grinning as we went into cold storage for the booze, soda, and root beer so looking forward to the ensuing hilarity tonight.

3 minutes earlier, Yasopp's POV

"Walking into the galley, the only person in here is Usopp slumped over the table looking to have passed out, sighing silently I slowly walk over to the table where he's sleeping and sat down beside him, smirking a little bit I scribbled my fingers over his exposed ribs, causing him to jump awake with a yelp.

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