21: dreaded proposition

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2 hours later, Luffy's POV

"So when you first got into the grand line after repairing the ship were you freaking out?" Nami asked," no, Shanks knew the lay of the land pretty well but he started in the New World and went backward when we got to the winter part of the instability.

Half the crew have never seen snow before since they were raised in a tropical environment and seeing snow for the first time, they went batshit crazy when Roux came into the galley shouting hey it's snowing and that started a mass snowball fight with half of the crew. 

Shanks and Yasopp started it by kicking snow at each other and a fired snowball, how it works for people who have seen snow is that the deeper the snow, it's better to play around in since the other half of the crew only go out when it's up to there shins." Benn explained.

"Including yourself?" Yamato asked," unless me and my buddies are bored silly in the winter then we'd go out and mess around, the 3 years we spent on Ohara we had to get used to the fact that it didn't snow and kind of missed it." He said.

"I was confused, one moment it was sunny and warm, the next it was snowing and cold. Luffy and Usopp just went outside wearing no winter gear making snowmen which turned into a snowball fight, that's how crazy they were and Zoro is just napping like he doesn't care that he's being buried while the rest of us are running rampant going through weather hell." Nami explained.

I snorted" it was fun for the first hour." I said," I mentioned that when Luffy is asked if he's cold it takes 10 seconds for him to actually feel it, it never gets old when we got to a winter island, I've bought him pants but he never wears them, I think I wasted my money." Nami said.

"Shanks was raised on the sky island which is pretty cold only going out wearing sweaters so winter islands just remind him of the sky unless we're in the mountains when it's 50 below which we were, we're kind of weird like that and that's how Ace found us," Yasopp said.

Nami realized something" uh, weren't you in Foosha for a year?" She asked," yeah, why?" Roux asked" didn't it snow there. Then why didn't half of the crew go batshit crazy then?" Nami asked, Yasopp snorted" that half were basically in hibernation and barely responsive from the cold staying on the ship." Benn said I laughed" I was wondering the same thing along with wondering why Roux was the only one out." I said.

"the fat helps with keeping me warm." He said," that explains that, did those guys get used to it?" Usopp asked," they did at the tail end of winter when the temperatures were starting to rise and were bummed when they found they missed a ton of fun." Monaco said.

"One reason for that being a massive blizzard going through the place leaving thigh-deep snow in its wake by the time January came around and I had to get a piggyback until the street was shoveled, bad idea to ask Shanks since he just dropped me." I said, Monaci snorted.

Buggy grumbled" he did that to me too when we were kids but into a snowbank, it was his first time seeing snow since he was just taken in, he asked Roger what else he could do, and his answer was playing before tossing a snowball in his face starting a 3 on 1 snowball fight with the monster trio not even caring if he lost after an hour. 

he was just having too much fun before one of the crew came out of the galley introducing him to sledding and by the time they came back he wanted more saying he had the best day of his life and I finished it with a snowball to his face as payback from that morning so he got 2 snowball fights leading to Rayleigh and Gabon wanting to floor Roger in a snowball fight 2 years later." He explained.

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