9: slides and destruction

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Trafalgar's POV

"Did it have to start pouring a mile before we got back to the house? It's going to be miserable with the muddy streets." Shachi said," you're more used to the snow from up north aren't you?" Dakota, the mole from, Drake's crew asked" pretty much, we all came from the north." Penguin said," I'm guessing you've never had a mud fight before." Lucas, the mole from Bonney's crew said.

"No, we haven't." Bepo said" I have, with Corazon, Buffalo, and Baby 5. Corazon floored us." I said smiling a little bit" I've had one mud fight as well and that was more of an excuse since we were bored like hell." Duke, the mole from Bege's crew said" why would it be an excuse?" Bepo asked.

"Have you ever heard of mud slip and slide? If you haven't someone just carves out a path in a hill and the kids slide down it having a blast for hours on end when it's pouring like this giving us an excuse to have a mud fight, me and Shrieks found it 6 hours before you got here, you want to do it?" Duke explained," might as well since we need to blow off some steam." Shachi said.

"Akasha would be nagging me about it so fine, what's the catch," I asked Bart snorted" hazing lasts a minute and if you don't get up the hill in the allotted time you'll be used as a sled board but since you're in the land of giants you don't have to worry about that." He said, Penguin spluttered" people are crazy." He grumbled as we followed Shrieks and Duke to the hill generally curious about this mud sliding.

30 minutes later we got to the hill and like they said a path is carved out, it's massive and the place is deserted" I thought you said that this gives the excuse for a mud war? no one is here." I said," sometimes, not all the time, if a mud fight does break out please don't use your fruit or observation." Duke said," the other nagged me about that all the time, it's a reflex." I said.

"Alright, let's go!" Bepo yelled charging up the hill, the rest of us following, and halfway to the top Bepo careened down the hill whooping out loud" ok, let's go before Bepo charges back up here." Shachi said," what's wrong with that?" Dakota asked," well after Marine Ford we just escaped and he was complaining about the sub being hot, want to be hugged by a sweaty polar bear in a gross jumpsuit to match, or do you want to be covered in mud?" Penguin explained.

"Hell no! I'd prefer getting a muddy hug, not a sweaty one." Shrieks said," that's what I thought and I wouldn't be surprised if he did it." Penguin said smirking" that's more preferable." Duke said," better hope he has mud in his ears." Aria, the mole from Urouge's crew said" oi! I did hear!" Bepo yelled" well shit." Dakota said and the 7 of them booked it the rest of the way up the hill chucking mud wads at the mink.

"I prefer not to be glomped! You have to go through us first!" Duke yelled, the rest of us laughed as they sped down the hill yelling and shouting in exhilaration" bring it on!" Shrieks shouted, Penguin snorted" Bepo floored us the last time we had a snowball fight, he's going to give them a run of their money." He said.

" yo! Are you going to help us out down here or what?!" Dakota yelled when we got to the top" might as well, get down there!" Penguin said shoving me over the edge, I yelped falling flat on my face speeding down the mudslide screaming bloody murder with the others close behind yelling in exhilaration.

3 hours later, Luffy's POV

"That battle was awesome Sanji! These guys can make a great ally if the older warriors are saying war is going to break out on Raftel." I said" one of the teachers said they were an ally when the war back in the void century and they've been training their asses off planning on being there to win and free the world which the revolutionary army is doing right now. Carrot mentioned that a couple of years ago a few Brikins talked to them offering to get the band back together." Sanji said.

"Everything's falling into place since Robin said she heard about a rumor about a poneglyph outside town in the ruins," Zoro said," Hey what's that?" I asked pointing to a canister in the middle of the hallway, it was a few seconds too late we realized what it is, my eyes widened, my mind flitting back to a prank Roux pulled" if that's elephant toothpaste then we need to get out of here now." Sanji said," what's that?" Zoro asked.

"Roux pulled a prank by putting canisters of elephant toothpaste set to fill the street in seconds." I said" then why the hell are we explaining this?! Let's go!" Sanji said and we booked it for the closest door to get out of the school when the canisters were set off starting to fill the hallway when we were snatched up by a few students" are you even allowed to fly in here?!" Zoro demanded," no but this was warranted if you want to make it out!" One of the students yelled.

the 6 of us got to the door, the students landed and we scrambled out of the door" who this off?" Zoro asked," no, the dials class did it, in this prank war there are 32 teams, 33 if you want to count the teachers in on it." The first guy said," I'm pretty sure they want to shut this prank war down." Zoro said smirking" Shanks started and the teachers will end it." Sanji said and we left going back to the house. 

"Too bad we couldn't stay to watch more sparring matches," I said," you had one as well with one of the teachers and she nearly floored you with her ryou." Zoro said," well the Brikins and Wano must be allies, think about it, Zou, Alabasta, Elbaf, Fishman Island, and Shandora all have poneglyphs as well, maybe Water 7 since they made the original Pluton." Sanji said.

45 minutes later we got back to the house at the same time Nami, Yamato and Jinbei got back" hey! So how'd it go?" I asked," it went well after a few attempts and he nearly shot a Brikin out of the sky by accident." Nami said," I'm the first one to succeed in manipulating the cloud sea where others have failed." Jinbei said," Usopp, Chopper, and Franky should be back in a few minutes." Yamato said.

"You want to know how powerful an impact dial can get?" I asked," yeah I do." She said," Then let's dump some of our strongest attacks into it and see how much destruction it can wreak." I said," I'm game." Yamato said grinning as new walked into the house hearing Franky fanboying and having a meltdown over all the dials, Usopp, Brook, and Chopper are keeled over dying of laughter in the living room as we walked in.

"Guys! Have you seen these things!? They're crazy!" Franky said," we know, are you going integrate those into the Franky Shogun?" Zoro asked," yeah, but let's test out the impact dial first." He said," Luffy pitched the idea of dumping some of our strongest attacks into it to see the destruction it can yield." Sanji said" I'm game for that! Let's do it!" Franky said and we walked outside putting the dial on a barrel when robin got back.

"Oh hey! You're just in time! ant to help us get the max destructive power out of this?" I asked," why not." She shrugged" so, you have any luck at the ruins?" Chopper asked," yes I did, I know where Uranos is located." Robin said," where is it?" Usopp asked," it's been delivered to Raftel, a massive dragon egg which is to be Uranos." Robin said," like Kaido?" I asked," I don't know, the poneglyph doesn't say." She said.

"Anyway, let's get to some destruction," Yamato said taking out her kanebo giving it her strongest swing, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, and Zoro swung a mallet as hard as they could, grabbing it I coaxed Sanji to kick it which he did with hell memories, Jinbei doing 10000 brick fist and Franky fired a strong left and handed it Zoro" alright, 3rd gear," I started, biting down on my thumb and inflating my arm, Zoro hopping on top of the barrel" Grizzly magnum!" I finished bringing my fist down, the impact is absorbed.

"This is going to pack quite the wallop, the last time I used that, I nearly dislocated my shoulder." Nami said," I can fire it since it might blow someone else's arm off regardless." Usopp said" have you seen the damage she's taken? I think she can survive an arm being blown off." Franky said," I'd need a prosthetic arm thank you, you already know how heavy my kanebo is." She said as we started walking to the ruins to wreak some destruction and Franky's reaction is going to be priceless.

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