34: endgame

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3 weeks later, Luffy's POV 

"I wish we could hang out for a little longer but we have to get going if we have a chance to beat Blackbeard." I said," I understand, we'll meet back up when the time comes." Shanks said," don't expect me to be there." Buggy said," you don't have a choice, it's do or die at this point." Alvida said," oh my god why do you have to be right?" Buggy groaned" anyway, see you guys later." Nami said and we went our separate ways.

Nami's POV 

Once we got out of earshot I leaned a little closer to Luffy" I thought there would be a Road poneglyph considering this is the fricken island of giants since Robin found a ponegyph on the sky island." I said," I'm pretty sure there is but we were so busy training that passed over our heads." Luffy said," it's going to be impossible to get to Laughtale without the coordinates on that last Road poneglyph." Robin said.

"Shanks never told me where he brought it after hauling it off Fishman Island," Luffy said," probably for the best since those things draw a lot of bad attention," Usopp said. 15 minutes later we got back to the cave where the ship is docked, getting onboard we lit lanterns for a little light" hey, what's that?" Yamato asked," what do you mean?" I asked" that folded piece of paper on the wall." She said, looking over and sure to her word a folded piece of paper is stuck on the wall with a knife.

Walking over I took the knife out of the wall and the paper fell to the ground heavily" that must be one big ass piece of paper." Franky said," what if..." I started and frantically waved Robin over and we unfolded the paper, sure enough, it was a rubbing of the LAST Road poneglyph" well we got it." I said and everyone started screaming in excitement" Laughtale here we come, baby!" Luffy yelled slapping a kiss on my cheek" will you all shut up for a moment so we can translate this!?" I yelled.

The others stopped screaming and we translated it" hey, Law is still on the island, I wouldn't be surprised if Shanks' crew gave them a rubbing as well." Zoro said," they might've left 6 weeks ago along with the other moles." I said" what are we waiting for? Set course for Laughtale!" Luffy ordered," hold your horse there captain, if the coordinates are correct then we have to make a pitstop first or we will die if we attempt to go blind, we have to go to Loadstar island first." I said.

"Oops, sorry, set course for Loadstar island people!" Luffy ordered, after getting everything ready we sailed out of the cave and off to our next destination, after a little while I saw a dark spot rising up and soon enough the Polar Tang surfaced, the hatch opened and Law came out" I assume you also have a rubbing of the last Road poneglyph as well?" He asked," yeah we did, need help translating it?" I asked," that would be nice." Law said and teleported onto the ship.

"Make that 2!" The mole for the Kidd pirates called" I thought you already got picked up by your guardian soul reaper?" I asked," the others did 2 weeks ago, I called my crew and it's going to take a week for them to get our location, might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone." He said," pirate crews like his don't have a soul reaper following them, we only follow the honorable crews or the ones close to it." Aka said," that makes sense." I said.

Once the translating was finished we handed them off" your joking right? We have to sail straight into a whirlpool and hope we don't die, screw that, where are you guys going?" Law asked" Loadstar island." I said," we'll meet you there when Shrieks get picked up." He said," the other Supernovas are going to follow us anyway, so what's the point?" I asked, he shrugged and beamed back to the submarine and they left.

Looking back out at the open sea I gulped, it really is do or die at this point since we're sailing straight into the final leg of this war, I hope I can survive through the final stretch.

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