3: tree of the world

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Luffy's POV

It's been a few minutes since I scared Chopper out of the barrel, Jinbei, Yamato, and Brook are still laughing about the story I told them while Chopper is yelling at them to shut up, I'm sitting on the figurehead of the ship trying to spot the land of the giants or as Aka stated the land of pride and reunion with friends and family after years apart.

That's what connects me, Usopp, and Franky to Shanks, more so with Franky when he met Shanks at 10 years old and he was 13 not having seen him in 26 years telling us he pantsed him and ran around the block with Buggy when the ship was being repaired, kids laughing their butts off, I smirked' thanks for the blackmail.'  I thought trying not to laugh at Nami's face she made a week ago when he told us.

She pretty much told Franky he's going to get slaughtered if Shanks recognizes him for the payback he's going to wreak advising him not to have his pompadour out on show when something caught my eye.

Leaning forward I squinted my eyes, I spotted a massive island but what caught my interest was the giant pillar coming out of the center of the island, my eyes widened" hey guys, I spotted land but what the hell is that giant pillar shooting out of the island?!" I called" what are you talking about?" Yamato asked.

Several seconds later she and Zoro are by my side while the others went to the upper deck to get a look and it's only a minute before we all started freaking out after using observation to realize holy crap! That's a giant tree as the 7 of us that went to Skypiea immediately flashed back to Giant Jack that jutted through the Upper yard while the others I'm pretty sure remembered the roots of the Sunlight Tree Eve at Fishman Island.

"Is that the fricken Jewel Tree Adam!? It's huge!" Franky shrieked" well now you know where the wood for the Sunny came from." Usopp said" that's Elbaf for you, the giants call it the world tree or Yggdrasil in mythology, it fits the title quite well, at the bottom of the sea is a giant cavern there's an island where Fishman and merfolk hang out as a party spot and up in the sky there's a sky island up there where the surviving Brikins take refuge after Eneru destroyed their homeland and some outcasts of Skypien also live.

The giants also consider Elbaf as Asgard, Viking heaven and the rest of the earth is Midgard or the living world and the tree connects it all, Get that Luffy?" Robin explained" kind of, so like the other one it's a mystery tree but dammit Eneru for doing that!" I said" who?" Yamato asked.

"We have a lot of explaining to do, come on, you too Jinbei," Nami said, Zoro took the wolf god to explain what happened in Skypiea" hey Robin, what are Vikings?" I asked," they're the same thing as pirates but the giants call them Viking war parties like Hajrudin's crew to wreak havoc around the world, the longboats serve as an intimidation factor." Robin said.

That's when my mind flitted back to the figurehead on Shanks' ship and I had a meltdown" what's wrong Luffy?" Usopp asked" holy shit! Shanks got inspiration from here and that's his figurehead! Why didn't I realize that sooner!?" I screeched"
well, he traveled with Roger as an apprentice and came once to get the inspiration and some nostalgia, that's appropo for him." Sanji said.

"Wait a moment, giants live on the island, doesn't that mean the animals are also proportional to them meaning they're giant-sized as well?" Usopp asked," pretty much, that's what my connections say." Aka said," I think my I-can't-go-to-this-island syndrome is flaring up again." Usopp mock rasped, I rolled my eyes.

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