22: potato sacks and snipers

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45 minutes later, Luffy's POV

When we got back to the ship, the lanes for the potato sack race are already set up leaving us to rig Shanks' lane soaking down the dirt into mud before shoveling dirt over top and laughing at the scene in our heads" so who's going to be doing this?" Chopper asked" the dorks and the idiots." Nami said.

"How many trios are in this crew?" Roux asked" there's the idiot trio, dork trio, weird trio, perverted trio, and the coward trio. There's 5, used to be 6 with the monster trio but now they're the monster quintet." Jinbei said," how about weird quartet because of Nami's talking climatact?" Yasopp asked," it could but it doesn't qualify, I can shapeshift into a wolf god." Yamato said.

"Why does a reindeer kick have to hurt so much? What's his damage?" Shanks asked walking over" the last davy back we had Chopper nearly got taken away and he didn't want to be there, here's the nutshell, how would you feel if you did a davy back fight with a bunch of cheating bastards?" Zoro asked, Aka handing him a booklet of wanted posters pointing out Foxy's poster.

"Ok, I get it, he does look like a cheating bastard since I did hear about the games you listed off earlier," Shanks said," yeah, and he doesn't even have a good silver tongue, that or Luffy's a moron for falling for his really bad tricks." Nami said facepalming" please don't, or there's a world of pain coming your way." I said, he sniggered.

"Well that's what happens when you spend nearly a year in a bar with a bunch of horny men and he had to learn what it was if he thought women were edible but, that was him," Shanks said snorting" you took me outside with Makino and explained, you also gave me life lessons, so Nami you have him to thank," I said," not when I walk in on them making out and I nearly kill Luffy because I was in denial," Sanji said flatly.

"You should've added it up sooner," Aka said shrugging" so are you out of denial?" Shanks asked smirking" yeah and my heart has been crushed at 2 angles." He said," better luck next time, I think the universe hates you in the ladies' department." Shanks said," don't remind me." Sanji whined," ok, who's on the other team?" Rockstar asked running up with the potato sacks with Lex beside him and dropping them on the ground.

"I'm taking part so my team is Monaco, Rockstar, and Yasopp unless one of you wants to switch out," Shanks said," I'm doing the sniping contest so sorry and Benn is doing the strength contest with Mr. mini Mihawk," Yasopp said" ok I'll do it. The others are watching, but can't Buggy or Galdino switch in?" Monaco asked," this is between the Straw hats and the Akagami pirates, we don't have to prove our pride, we're just watching." Buggy said.

Looking over to Nami I smirked then extended my neck and restrained Shanks" what the hell is this?! Is this your neck?! Get it off!" Shanks demanded freaking out a little" I just want to see you damage, get used to it." I said, the others are freaking out and laughing as I looked over the back of his head, seeing something, a wide grin came to my face looking up at Benn.

"Hey, I found grey hair on the bottom of Shanks' head!" I said quickly unwrapping my neck from him and laughing at the face he's sporting, it's of shock and horror while Benn's laughing his ass off" now you know how I feel!" He said as Shanks fell to his knees sobbing in horror" why?!" He cried" the stress from being scared so bad?" Lex asked smirking" oh shut up! Don't even say it!" he shot back.

"I won't but someone will!" Lex countered" how's it to have a taste of your own medicine from making my hair go grey along with everyone else's being wild stressing me out?" Benn asked smirking" painful when I first heard you screaming in the bathroom 7 years ago." Shanks sobbed.

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