4: royal sparring

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1 hour later, Yamato's POV 

Walking into the royal throne room of the giants, Sif escorting us, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper are having a meltdown over how huge the place is, Sanji, Robin, and Zoro are looking around in wonder, and Nami, Brook, and Franky are having there own meltdown feeling small as I look over to Jinbei, his arms crossed as he glanced at me.

"Still need to get some energy out?" I asked," yes, I do, I guess you want to destroy something." He said," I do with all this playful energy, I'm a wolf god with a kanebo." I said" welcome to Elbaf, the land of pride and reunion." Odin said," it's because of the playful tension in the air, right?" Usopp asked" exactly, we know it quite well, over the centuries pirate crews come here to prove their pride and reunite with old friends and family they haven't seen in years.

Those that are more childish just smile, those who are stoic and mature feel nervous and jumpy, the giants around the world see and feel the static charge every time it starts. This one has started 4 months ago and has been growing stronger every day." Thor explained.

"We've been here for the last 4 months and it gets brought up by our guardian soul reaper," Nami said," who has an old friend there bound to reunite with?" Odin asked, a gentle smile on his face" me and Usopp, we haven't seen them in 12 years, they're the Akagami pirates." Luffy said Odin, hummed while Sif chuckled" I give it a week max for the pandemonium to break out." She said.

"Tell me, what is your story with Shanks?" Odin asked, Luffy giggled" I met him when I was 6, that was the start to the best year of my life..." He started before diving into the memories. For the next 2 hours, he explains that entire year which quite frankly doesn't help my case of restlessness and urge to destroy something, I thought it wouldn't end soon enough before he finished.

"It sounds like you had a great time," Odin said, walking up to the throne fingering my kanebo" is something wrong?" Sif asked" can I spar with you, your majesty? I'm feeling restless and uneasy with the energy in the air, same with the first son of the sea behind me. For the rest, it would be cool to watch." I said," I'd be happy to oblige that desire young lady." Odin said," I'll take the first son of the sea." Thor said.

"That's my epithet, my name is Jinbei." He said" very well, let us go to the training ground. Would the rest of you like to watch?" Odin asked," would I! hell yeah!" Luffy exclaimed, the other agreed and we walked out to the training area which more looks like a rolling pasture that goes one for acres, puddles littered the place in random areas suggesting it rained a couple of days ago.

"I found your water source Jinbei." I said smirking, jabbing a finger at a puddle, he grumbled rolling his eyes" shut up, muddy water doesn't feel all that nice on my webs." He said flatly" just a suggestion, have you ever had a mud war?" I asked" once, and that was when Koala was a kid." He said" yo Franky! I got a suggestion for ya! Make a cannon that can fire mud!" I yelled.

Luffy, Chopper, Sanji, and Usopp fell apart laughing their butts off" anything shot cannon 2.0? gladly!" Franky shot back and ran off back to the ship to start making it" told you, pandemonium by the end of the week." Thor said smirking over at Odin" I suppose, those are just the setting stone leading to it." Odin said hefting up the giant sword and Thor holding up a sword of his own and coated their weapons in haki.

"I'm sorry, I might break your sword if you don't know ryou," I said as the black electricity crackles all over the place coating the kanebo, growling I bent down transforming into my hybrid wolf god form for more agility, Jinbei prepped a water heart, the standoff getting started.

I was the first to attack letting out a mighty howl jumping up" thunder bagra!" I called reeling back the club going to swing only to block a giant fist sending me back to the ground skidding across the partially dried mud" you weren't kidding! That hurt!" Odin cried, using that to my advantage I leaped up and bit into his shoulder, tearing into his flesh. Using my cat-like agility combined with moonwalk to bash him in the back then used soru to avoid a backward headbutt.

quickly looking up I noticed the mother of all mud puddles 80 feet, grinning widely I used the kanebo to block a blow from the sword, going high to smack it away starting a makeshift sword fight ending with me cracking the sword after penetrating his sword with advanced conquerors forcing him to drop it and resort to hand to hand using observation to avoids my swings but I was faster using Jinbei disarming Thor to my advantage to soru behind him.

"Thunder bagra!!" I shouted slamming the club into his back sending him flying while screaming bloody murder followed by a flat splash a couple of seconds later" where did you send him?!" Sanji demanded," oh I spotted a monster mud puddle and sent the king flying into it." I said nonchalantly, causing Thor and the others to lose it laughing their asses off.

Looking back I shrieked seeing a monster-sized mudball sailing towards me, dropping to the ground I let it fly over my head and explode all over the wall, dropping my club I transformed into my wolf god form and booked it not looking forward to the payback to follow. 

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