19: impersonation, blackmail, and trolling

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1 hour later, Mac's POV

Since Yasopp and Usopp dragged Benn below deck to get him dressed and explain what Brook is, Aka did the communication spell explaining it to half the crew dismissing the nocturnal zombie lie trying not to keel over laughing imagining Shanks and Buggy's reaction when they see him wake up after Zoro cuts him down from the cross he's been tied too for the past 3 hours.

Looking down at Monaco sitting on the ground with his face in his hands in horror while Sanji's leaning on the railing with a victorious smirk while Shanks and Luffy are pretty much dying, have been for the past 30 minutes after Sanji got payback on him by making a mug of peach tea with piss mixed with it before serving it to him.

Nami's just as horrified, Yamato's been giggling hysterically, Jinbei is disgusted at the whole thing and the others are mortified and amused, at first, Yamato was shocked when she asked Zoro about it and he explained to her that some pirate crews are friends and rivals act like assholes to each other to blow off steam and giving off the example of what Roger and Whitebeard's relationship might be like along with the 6 supernovas in Wano.


Walking into the kitchen, the first thing I heard was Zoro's uncontrollable laughter" oh poor man, what did he even do to you besides dumping you in the water?" He guffawed" nothing, oh god I think the asshole trait from Shanks popped up inside me the moment we got in the ship or I was thinking nasty." Sanji said.

"Definitely the latter, for the last 3 weeks that Buggy's been here he's not acting like an overdramatic idiot, more like getting Shanks back for every prank he did when they were on the Roger pirates, it's just your nasty thoughts," I said catching their attention" thanks for that," Sanji said sighing in relief" so what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm getting payback by making peach tea for Monaco but I'm putting my piss in it to skive him out and scar for life," Sanji said, I snorted," I think that's overkill but you do you." I said," something tells me you're used to this." Sanji said.

"Yeah, when Whitebeard was still alive and the 2 crews meet up on a deserted island they act like assholes to each other playing pranks, selling each other out, and pulling fast ones. Some of the pranks are nasty, how'd it start?

 Marco dared Shanks to do it when they first met and he pulled it off playing to his evil genius resulting in a tickle massacre after a short-lived chase. How do I know this? I met the Roger pirates' former guardian, Milo when we got to Sabaody. I'm pretty sure you did pranks like an evil genius too." I explained.

Sanji laughed" I did, 2 years and it started with shaving moss heads legs, Usopp got involved and dropped paintballs and lied about it being a flock of birds taking a dump on him, and then Nami just psyched him out with her mirages. He got payback by pretending to be gay with Luffy and then a game of tag one tag all broke out around the ship to end it off." He said, I laughed.

" Did he get you back?" I asked," I did and the idiot trio helped me out along with Franky and he was pissed at the end of it dumping yogurt over Luffy and Chopper's head and tossed moss head into the water and pulled a fast one on Franky." Sanji said taking the boiled water off the stove and pouring it into the mug halfway.

"Do you even want to know what a game of tag one tag all with nearly 200 people is like? Utter chaos and pandemonium all over the island we're at for the rest of the day and it's happened 5 times." I said," with or without observation, skywalk and soru?" Sanji asked" the latter and sometimes they cheat." I said, Zoro laughed" who starts it?" He asked.

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