6: gateway of the warriors

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90 minutes later, Zoro's POV 

walking through the forest, the path lit up torches, the giants wanting to tell outsiders that a sky island is a sacred place when Thor explained that they call the Brikins the valkyries for their prowess in aerial combat and haki leaving them alone for the most part with the exception of the teenage giants going up there to prove themselves, party and celebrate the summer solstice festival which happened a couple of months ago.

" hey, I got an idea for payback on Shanks." Yamato spouted randomly" what do you have in mind?" Nami asked" remember when you dropped the climatact after we left Wano, I picked it up not knowing it's possessed by Zeus, he spoke and I screamed bloody murder before passing out? pretend to lose it in the hallway and let Shanks pick up to gauge his reaction." Yamato said, she and Nami nearly died laughing" Oh hell yeah that's happening, explain that to Zeus on the way up." Luffy snorted.

"Do I want to know?" Jinbei asked," I'm with him." Brook said. 15 minutes later we entered a massive clearing surrounded by mountains and in the center is the Jewel tree, Adam, way more titanic sized since we first saw it approaching the island' now I know how gargantuan the sunlight tree is.' I thought.

"Who are these outsiders looking to enter the land of the valkyries young majesty?" A giant asked, he had a massive broad sword, way more intricate than the others wearing equally as intricate armor and a helmet he looked to be the gatekeeper" these are the pirates that avenged the Brikin home island that was destroyed by the traitor, their captain is the new Joy Boy, Heimdall. He shall free the world and bathe it in light of freedom that the original Joy Boy started." Thor explained.

He looked down at Luffy, who's looking back up at him and Heimdall smiled" I see the raging glint and the craving of freedom for everyone, this is the man who will do it." He said," who delivered Shanks here?" Robin asked" my girlfriend, Sif did and one of the Brikin that was hanging out with Heimdall and agreed to raise Shanks for 8 years. Are you going to climb the tree?" Thor asked.

"What are you?" Insane? It'd take the whole damn night to climb the thing." Usopp said," some of the giants actually do climb the tree along with some outsiders but most of them take the lift, half of them are fricken crazy." Thor said," I climbed a straight shot mountain and nearly froze to death trying to save Nami from dying but I'm not climbing this." Luffy said," you were insane, you know that since Chopper told me you climbed it in the middle of a blizzard after explained what happened in Skypiea." Yamato said hopping onto the lift.

"Alright, before you go up we must warn you that the air is thinner but in 30 minutes you'll be able to breathe just fine, but if you can't then the Brikins will give you breathing masks to breathe through," Thor said" 7 of us have been to Skypiea before and a couple of months ago we went to Zou. Yamato and Jinbei have never been to the sky before." Nami said.

"Just letting you know, activate the lift and we'll see you in a few days," Thor said and Heimdall put his sword into a slot, pressed it in and we started ascending to the island of the valkyries and Shanks's home of 8 years. 

Trafalgar's POV

"Next time we go through the forest let's avoid a giant wolf pack for now on." Shachi ground out as we walked up to an abandoned house" you do know I can deal with threats like that right?" I asked," I don't give a crap, first time we saw those things you should've used a room to get us the hell out, sure Bart can fight one but I'm still betting on the wolf since it's bigger and sure Akasha can just blow it's face up with raikoho and jakuho but the rest of us are dinner for those things!" Shachi shot back.

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