15: shock and long-awaited meeting

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(a/n the age gap between Luffy and Robin is 11 years, Shanks and Benn's age gap is also 11 years, Robin and Benn's age gap is 20 years)

1 hour later, Usopp's POV

"-Whoa, Whoa, Whoa wait! Are you trying to say that you met Shanks 12 years ago?" Buggy asked, his eyes wide" yes, me and Nojiko did meet him. How? We followed Bellemere to the bar after she said I'm going to deal with the ruffians causing a racket in the bar, she had him at gunpoint and didn't even care before Benn dragged her out of the bar, it took us an hour just to decide if we should talk to him before walking into the bar, we didn't regret it having the best few hours of our lives." She explained.

"Why didn't you tell me about this on the way here?" Buggy asked," I didn't find it necessary at the moment until someone brought it up." Shanks said," like I said he was staring at your wanted picture like a pervert only remembering back to when he met you when he saw your name." Mac said," that makes 4." Alvida said" who's the fourth one? Cutty Flam?" Shanks asked.

"No, he's dead, tried to stop the sea train wanting his master back cracking his skull open." I lied" I guess I won't be getting payback for pantsing me when I was 13." He said" do I want to know? Not really." Roux said shuddering a little bit" hey Robin when these guys were at Foosha, Benn told me he spent some time on Ohara when he was 17." Luffy said," so he's just as intelligent as Nami if not more." Robin said.

"Oh no, he's a genius, the smartest person I met along with being freakishly strong at only 31." Shanks said," so that means you must've met my mother." Robin said" I was on Ohara for 3 years yes, I did meet her but our relationship was professional. 

My entire childhood was spent studying history since my parents tried to keep me away from it, my buddies at the time always found me in the library with my nose in a book and writing notes of everything that the government lied about over the centuries which is a lot before all of us went to Ohara wanting to find the truth.

They wouldn't stop teasing me that I was in love with her, trying to set up a date, she was only a consultant, I only told Shanks about that 5 years after I joined and I had to beat him to a pulp for teasing me mercilessly that I was in love with her." Benn explained grumbling.

"One night stand maybe?" Shanks asked," Oh shut up." He said," by the way your acting you sound like you hung out with her when you were alone." Sanji said, Benn, sighed heavily" all right fine, the time we spent with the others, my friends would pay attention to what she said but would be subtly teasing us, we got to the bar and they try and have me confess on video with a hidden visual snail. 

It was both annoying and embarrassing, in other words, yes we dated for 2 years after denying it myself for one but I knew marrying someone trying to expose the world government would be dangerous and the night before we left we got busy and you know the rest." Benn explained.

"Make...that 5," I said turning to see Robin, her eyes are as wide as saucers and the others are just as shocked as her" that explains why she's stoic, smart, and tough and reminded me of you but she never said anything about it," Luffy said," when we left we agreed to stay out of contact, I knew she would get pregnant but I'd never see her for a long time, I guess I'm in the dad club that never spent any time with their kid," Benn said.

"Di you see my first wanted poster when I was 8?" Robin asked" I did add 2 and 2 realizing yeah you had Olvia's eyes and my black hair and I had to face the music with my friends that we dated in secret for 2 years and had fun in bed before I left, they accepted it after having a meltdown before realizing we're screwed if the marines decided to find everyone that went to Ohara to study. 

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