28: it's mud war

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Shanks' POV

"Oh no, I'm not, I'm just stalling," Luffy said as the rain poured down, his grin growing with each step he took, my alarm bells started going off as I slowly realized what he was talking about" YO Shanks!" I whipped my head up at the voice that shouted my name, my eyes widened to the size of saucers seeing a blue hair dyed cyborg standing there was a cannon, not wearing any pants, barefoot and wearing an open tropical shirt, I didn't have time to say anything when the mud was fired from it and rocketing toward me.

"BOOM!!" Is the only thing he said and before I could even soru out of the way the mud hit me full force sending me to the ground covered in mud again, Luffy burst out laughing his ass off" remember when I said that Cutty Flam was dead? yeah, I lied." Usopp said as I sat up dumbfounded at how well Luffy and his crew played me like a fiddle" how long were you planning this?" I asked," like you said, I planned this for 12 yrs and it worked like a charm." Luffy said giggling.

A devious smile came to my face eying both Luffy and Usopp, their eyes widened slowly backing off" I'm getting you back, all of you, this is war." I said chucking a mudball at Luffy, he ducked and it hit Benn in the face instead" really?" He asked" sorry." I said only to get a mud ball to my face in return, it was only seconds later when chaos broke out, I barely heard the frenzied shout of' don't let Shanks get his hands on the cannon!' I shook my head throwing a mud pie at Cutty, he ducked and it hit Yasopp instead.

I was about to frantically apologize when the cannon was fired again sending more mud at random targets, quickly soru'ing away I didn't have time to duck and run when Yasopp dumped mud on my head causing me to yelp" really? I meant to hit Cutty." I said," doesn't matter." He snorted, I smirked," want to go after the troublemakers?" I asked, Yasopp grinned widely" hell yeah." He said, the moment the words were out of his mouth was when a mudball hit him in the side of the face.

Looking over Usopp held his slingshot at the ready with a shit-eating grin on his face, Luffy beside him and cackling before they ran in opposite directions" you take Luffy and I take the sniper?" I asked," you do remember what happened the last time right?" Yasopp asked," doesn't matter." I said and we charged after Luffy and Usopp respectively, avoiding the giant mud blobs being fired at everyone from the mud cannon.

Bending down I scooped up some mud and chucked it at Usopp, he dived out of the way firing one back at me, I moved my head to the side hearing a girlish shriek, turning I saw Nami standing there, face covered in mud" really? I'm going to give you hell!" She shouted, Usopp screamed and bolted, I laughed, that's one job done as I set my sights on taking the mud cannon and getting my payback on Cutty.

Scooping up some mud I chucked it at the cyborg hitting him in the back then soru'ed away when he turned around and proceeded to lure the cyborg away from the cannon, once he was far enough away I seized my chance and took over the mud cannon, I grinned widely, time to unleash hell.

Franky's POV

Turning back to the anything shot cannon my eyes bulged upon seeing Shanks handling it' oh crap, this isn't super.' I thought and dived out of the way when he fired me and nearly hit Rockstar" what the hell?! How did Shanks get control of the cannon?" He cried" he lured me away." I said," I've been meaning to get payback on you for pantsing me!" Shanks yelled, that was the only warning I got before nearly being hit by a mud blob" Shouldn't you be getting payback on Buggy too?! He played the game of keep away as well!" I shot back.

"He already did! Don't throw me under the carriage again!" Buggy yelled, Tetsu laughed" I don't think he needs all that much convincing!" he yelled" oh come on! Just help out a bit!" Buggy shot back" not happening!" He countered when Buggy screeched, probably having been hit before the cannon was turned to me and I bolted diving out the way of the blob, Robin nearly got hit if she hadn't erected a wall of arms.

It wasn't long before Shanks was taken away from the cannon when Yamato tackled him and bolted allowing me to take over, not before he managed to nail me 3 times with mud and I continued firing at random cackling with glee.

Luffy's POV

Giggling hysterically I met up with Usopp who had finally managed to escape Nami's wrath, not before she stuffed an avalanche of mud down his shirt" next time bail me out please." He said" no promises." I said," thanks for nothing, now go, I don't need a target hanging out with me." He said, I snorted and ran out back to the mud fight chucking mud wad at random people when I was tackled from the side.

"You think you could get away, you threw me under the carriage," Shanks said and we started wrestling, over the next several minutes we grappled in the mud trying to pin each other, in the end, I won pinning Shanks down remembering a move Benn did in one of the scramble fights" isn't that what payback is?" I asked" ok fine, you won." He said," you would've if you had your arm." I said," what are you getting at?" He asked," I told Franky about you having one arm and he made you a prosthetic, that promise we made has been fulfilled." I said getting off of the redhead.

"Are you serious?" He asked," I'm dead serious, you're going to need it in the war to come." I said" thanks, but you do know I'm going to have to get used to having 2 arms again." He said," I know." I said, he grinned turning to me" you want to raise hell on the others?" He asked" Oh hell yeah." I said, this is going to be epic.

Trafalgar's POV

"Ok, it's probably time we leave." Shrieks said," what's up?" Penguin asked," well, pandemonium broke out with the 2 crew at the clearing, it's all-out mud war." Dakota said," how so?" Bepo asked," there's a mud cannon being used is what I'm saying!" Shrieks said," let's go then, I'm assuming you made a call for your guardian soul reapers to pick you up?" I asked," we just did." Duke said," I won't be picked up for another few days so I'll have to stay on the sub." Shrieks said" fair enough, I'll call Kidd, let's go." I said and we walked out of the house.

We barely got out of the house when a barrage of mud came flying at us and we scattered" I think it's a little late for that!" Duke cried" no shit dude!" Shachi yelled," not entirely try and come together and I'll get us away from here!" I yelled but the rest of the Akagami crew had different ideas and a mud war broke out just trying to escape' yeah, that sack of flour thrown was a warning, we should've left sooner.' I thought.

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