23: strength and cooking

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Zoro's POV

The other evacuated to the ships so there not be caught up in the carnage of the next game, if they want to call it that which it is not" I don't get how you haven't broken your jaw with that third sword in your mouth." Benn said," I trained my jaw muscles by hefting giant boulders and broke a few teeth in the process and I was only 9, yeah you can say I'm crazy." I said.

He spluttered" yeah no, your entire jaw should've been ripped out but if Aka's saying you're possessed by a demon is true then that explains a few things." Benn said" yo! it's true! He has a technique where he embraces his asura and becomes it as if he awakened his zanpaktou early, but I'm only guessing that all the naps were him going into his inner world and talking to his zanpaktou spirit." Aka called.

"I've talked to my spirits and got the name of my zanpaktous, Enma's actual name is Numusu, which fits since it steals the haki from the user unless controlled and over the last month I've been training 24/7 in my inner world with Numusu fighting and subduing him to the point he gave me his name and still have yet to unlock shikai," I explained.

"I don't like the sound of that name, that shikai sounds like it's going to drain everyone's haki around you as soon as you awaken it unless you use your demons for more power," Mac said.

"So what's the name of the other one?" Luffy asked," I had 2 years to train Shusui and figured out its name, it's Akuma Shokansamurai which is the possessor type and Aka says when I awaken shikai I'm going to be summoning something called dementors that pretty much eat happiness out of people leaving them depressed train wrecks and a prime target would be Shanks since he's pretty much the living embodiment of childishness from Joy Boy." I said.

"What the hell!? I don't like the sound of that, are they kind of like the hollows that straight up eat souls?" He asked," first they eat your happiness leaving you a train wreck, and then rip your soul out and eat it, yeah there the hollows of the reverse dimension." Aka said.

"He's dangerous and you said he's a dark angel candidate." Shanks said," yeah, meaning his spirit pressure is through the roof, and since Luffy handled a cursed blade that was an asauchi then broke it before leaving Wano his spirit pressure is higher than yours instead of on par with yours since he's been steadily awakening his fruit and raising that power." Aka explained.

"Jeez, I sensed that and came to the conclusion that he's also a candidate for golden conquerors haki which the Brikin elite soldiers use and Shanks," Mac said" is that the advanced conquerors haki? I'm only guessing you awakened it intimidating the lord of the coast 12 years ago." Luffy said.

" no, I found out when I was 5 that I was a candidate from Michael before a soul reaper was called in, punched my soul out, connected me with a lifeline and made me go nuts with the spirit pressure and I killed a bunch of hollows since it was like a tempest kick type weapon." He explained," I have that too?" Luffy asked," yeah you do and it kills people instead of knocking them out from overwhelming there should and Shanks learned how to apply you to that and made it several times stronger." Mac said.

"Like Luffy, does that make me a candidate as well?" I asked," you're a dark angel candidate so yes, and since you can let loose energy blasts and they get even more powerful when you stab your sword into the ground and it gets even more powerful." Mac explained" sweet." I said," you ready?" Benn asked loading a bullet" let's do it." I said.

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