29: late to the party

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3 1/2 hrs later, Perona's POV

"Why'd we get to Elbaf when it's pouring down rain?" I asked as we sailed up to the shore" it rains here all the time, some people can sense changes in the weather with their observation haki, but I myself can't do that." Mihawk said," well it's not my fault you went out on your own 2 weeks after joining the Cross Guild." I grumbled floating up the cliff.

Getting up to solid ground I grimaced hearing the mud squish beneath my feet' gross, I hate this feeling.' I thought wondering why I didn't grab a pair of boots at the last island we were at as I walked out from the cover of the ship and looked around then shrieked seeing a stampede of pirates running at me" what the hell?!?" I screeched taking off and avoiding them" oh hey Perona!" I heard Zoro call.

"What are you doing looking like a mud monster?!" I demanded" Davy Back fight." Sanji said," that doesn't explain anything!" I shouted," if you're here then that means Mihawk is with you!" I heard Buggy call" we're late to the party then, where's Shanks?" Mihawk said," he's in the infirmary, Franky made a prosthetic arm, him and Doc are installing it as we speak." Zoro said, looking over to Mihawk, his eyes widened and slowly a grin took over his face.

"So after 12 years, I get the chance to fight him again." He said," you'll have to wait a bit so Shanks can get used to having another arm again, and then you can fight him again." a woman, Nami said walking down the stairs" it'll be worth the wait." He said," Zoro didn't you say Mihawk told you about the fights he had with Shanks and that you said they sounded epic but you were also terrified of having to defeat him to get his title?" Luffy asked following Nami" shut up! Or there's a perfectly good mud ball to your face!" Zoro shouted.

Mihawk's POV

Smirking I shook my head at their antics, I'll let them go on with their antics for a minute more before shattering the notion that there's not just one greatest swordsman but 2" I hate to rain on your parade but you should know that there are 2 best swordsmen, not one? Shanks is the second one." I said," I came to that conclusion myself when you told me the stories of when you fought Shanks, I'm possessed by a demon and I don't want to fight Shanks if what you say is true, plus he's Luffy's friend and I don't want to anger my captain." Zoro explained.

"Doesn't that mean you're the third greatest swordsman? You're going to have to fight Shanks to become the greatest." Sanji said smirking a little bit, the green hair dyed man groaned" oh come on! Why do you have to be right about that, I'll fight you to acquire the title of second greatest swordsman and after the Throne Wars have been won I'll fight Shanks." Zoro said," I commend you for it but you're not ready to fight me just yet, have you learned conquerors haki?" I asked.

"2 months ago and I've been training it ever since we invaded Marie Jois." Zoro said, I hummed" that's all well in good but your training isn't yet complete, even though you learned conquerors haki you still need to learn advanced conquerors, that's what Shanks is best at, once you've learned how to use advanced conquerors properly then you'll be able to fight us." I explained.

"Awesome! I can train to better use ryou since I only had a fricken week to train and perfect it and I fought the demon dragon, also while we're at it I can train my awakening, I need all the power I can get if I can defeat Blackbeard and prevent him from creating an era of absolute chaos and oppression." Luffy said" it's not only you, we want to survive this and really start the era of freedom." Usopp said.

"Before you start that, get your asses to the showers and clean up!" Perona yelled and the group shouted in surprise when a cloud appeared over them and started downpouring over their heads to wash off the mud" not when your living mud balls!" Nami shouted, I huffed a laugh, it'll be interesting to see these guys training for the remaining time we're here.

(a/n I'm alive! I'm sorry for the 5 month long hiatus)

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