24: messy meeting

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Sanji's POV

"So how'd you meet Roux?" I asked after slurping down a forkful of noodles" well it had been 2 years since we got Benn from the North Blue and we went down south to recruit and have some fun and we stopped over to have some lunch in a cafeteria-style restaurant when Roux and his friends came rocking into the restaurant having a party and bragging about ribbons like they were just in a cooking contest in the area, 2 of them went into the kitchen and came out with a pie rack full of pies and we watched them start a huge pie fight." Shanks explained.

"It was a tradition, we were only 18 or 19 at the time and it started when we were in mid-semester in grade 8, we all met on the first day of cooking classes and we just clicked, we spent the school year in cooking contests, kicking ass in each one, losing a few and during the summers we worked on our speed and agility in combat. 

Yeah, we're weird but 5 of the group were taking part in after school combat classes and we wanted in on it accidentally awakening haki in the process, I accidentally knocked one of the guys out and the others were freaking out over the fact that my forearm went black and we had to learn about haki from an ex-pirate through the rest of high school and we got pretty good at it since some of the islands we went to for cooking contests were pretty sketchy and then these guys happened.

Chucky was the only one who couldn't make it saying pirates are here, we should probably get out of dodge or prepare to fight, not knowing that they were sitting in front of us." He explained.

"So you just raid the kitchens and start food fights? Awesome!" Luffy said" that started in grade 9 since we had energy to spare and we were being really loud not even noticing Danny going into the kitchen until it was too late, Yasopp was the one to get my attention by catapulting a forkful of mashed potatoes at me? No." Roux said," tell us the full story." Yamato said.

17 years ago, Shanks's POV

"This is a nice place to hang out for a while, what says our chances will be to get some new recruits?" I asked," well considering reputation, close to none but we might strike out." Benn said," still if your trying to blend in wearing a straw hat, it still makes you look like a pirate or a small-time gardener." Monaco said.

I spluttered while the others laughed" excuse me! I'm not a gardener!" I shot back grabbing a tray" personally, Yasopp looks better with the hat, you look good in a tuque." Benn said smirking" to be honest he looks like a nerdy badass." Mac said," that's better than a small-time gardener." I said," I've only been on the crew for 2 years, what does that hat represent to you?" Benn asked.

"A promise or more like a death threat from Roger if I acted like anything like my father he would burn the hat and kill me, if I didn't I'd keep the hat which I did," I said," who's his father?" Benn asked," uh, he'll tell you but he'll be pissed after he does, getting blackout drunk after, I was the first one to hear about it and the rest have yet to find out, so when you do please stay away from him or he'll flip out on you." Mac said.

"Geez, then his father must really be a piece of work." Yasopp said" the worst of the worst." Mac said," now I'm scared to even know." Monaco said," the one thing he will you is that he has the Will of D." Mac said," are we dealing with an idiot captain over here?" Lex asked," I've read about the will of D, and no, not all of them are idiots, some are intelligent than the others, which one did you get with Roger?" Benn asked.

"Wild, childish, and an idiot for taking on a fleet of 30 ships when the crew only consisted of 200 along with a soul reaper that can control the water that caused the freak hurricane destroying the majority of the fleet. Oh, and we had a giant dragon egg on board at risk of being hatched prematurely by cannon fire." I said grumbling and we to sit down.

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