20: recruiting first mate and passing out

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The next morning, Nami's POV

Walking into the galley with the others at the back of the group, I smirked, when we got back at 2:00 in the morning after Shanks gave up hunting us down, everyone was conked out and Shanks was nowhere to be found, probably having gone to sleep in his room while the others were sleeping on the deck.

Closing my eyes I smiled, it's going to rain by mid-afternoon and whatever planned to have Shanks get his hat back better be finished by the time it starts pouring as the others walked into the galley, jogging 30 ft down the hall I placed the climatact on the ground and ran straight into the galley just when Sanji and Roux disappeared into the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

"You said that Shanks shaved his head bald to recruit you along with trying to hide his identity, what's the story of that?" Chopper asked" Shanks didn't meet Benn, he got a pie in the face, it was Shanks' idea that the first person he saw that looked strong, he's smashing a pie in their face and shout' I'll be back to make you my first mate when I get a crew.' The island Benn grew up on wasn't as crime-ridden as the rest of them." Buggy said.

"I had my nose in a book and my buddies were arguing when I heard a battle cry and the next thing I knew whipped cream was in my face, I was 23 at the time and he was 12, I didn't believe he was going to be my captain someday, Yasopp's 7 years older than him, I'm 11 years older than him and in the time before recruiting me, Yasopp was the temporary first mate. He and I could've been the captain instead of him." He said.

"Well surprise, alpha male and your friends urged you to go out and learn more about the world since you were studying history and battle tactics," Yasopp said.

27 years ago, Shanks' POV

"Ok, what are you trying to say?" Buggy asked, I rolled my eyes" Roger's sick and he's not going to be around for much longer and I want to make my own crew to have fun on the seas with and don't get me wrong, the past 3 years have been a blast but the memory cow is long from being drained out. I want to try my hand at captaining, not going to lie Roger's an idiot for taking on considerably more powerful enemies and relying on Milo to bail us out. Does everyone that have the D an idiot?" I explained.

"Not all of them I don't think, ask Milo when we get back to the ship. So how are you going to do this?" Buggy asked," the first person I see that looks strong I'm smashing a pie in their face." I said," oh great, great big target on your back once the pie lands." Buggy sighed" I don't care, they'll get payback when I return to this island." I said," oh, are you going to do that with everyone you find strong? You're going to get gunged at this rate." Buggy said flatly.

"What's that?" I asked, he facepalmed" come on! How do you not know any of this?! You grew up on an island full of warriors on Elbaf, have you not seen someone strapped to a chair being pelted with pies and drenched in slime up to their neck in one of those tanks to drain some energy?" Buggy asked.

 I snorted" oh yeah I forgot, I was at the training school when I was 5 and I saw a couple of trainees dragging in a newbie for hazing and I watched them gunge the poor guy and it was low key hilarious, and no I'm not going to do that with everyone I see, I'll just ask." I said," much better choice in my book." Buggy said when we heard arguing.

Looking up we saw 5 men walking down the street, 4 of which are arguing, the 5th guy has his nose in a book, a grin came to my face' he looks strong.'  I thought hefting the pie and charged letting out a battle cry launching off a chair and slamming the pie into the surprised man's face.

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