32: from the ashes

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The next morning, Robin's POV 

Taking a bite of breakfast I looked up as dad sat down beside me, he had a huge dopey smile on his face" who won?" Luffy asked" do I care? Their tickle fight lasted until 2 in the morning, I'm still exhausted." Nami said," no one wins, it's just for the fun of it." Shanks said," it was worth it, I've been waiting to get that out of my system." Dad said, I giggled taking another bite, sprouting an arm I poked him in the side causing him to flinch a little.

"My fruit is literally nicknamed the tickle-tickle fruit." I said," found that out firsthand, when you're finished breakfast come with me, I want to show you something." Dad said," what do you want to show me?" I asked," something vital to ensure the freedom of the world." I said," are you saying..." I said then trailed off, he nodded.

10 minutes later I finished breakfast and we left to go into town, getting to the edge of town we got to a library, and on the front of it the words 'Library of Ohara' is written on a sign" I thought all of the books were incinerated when the island fell to the buster call 22 years ago?" I asked.

"I thought the same thing until I found the library when I first came here, thank Vegapunk for this since he did it behind the government's back, and thank god for that, or the promised day would never happen," Dad said and we went inside where the familiar smell of old books hit my nose along with a hint of ash, tears started to come to my eyes remembering the buster call, holding them back I got the books needed to figure everything out and we started reading.

After 2 hours of this, I slammed the book on the table and stood up" I have to tell Luffy about this." I said," that would be a good idea, when the time is right all of the ancient weapons will converge on Laughtale and One Piece will be activated, the world will be either freed or oppressed." Dad said, quickly taking notes on everything we put the books back and walked out.

"You know, a couple of giants told me you would be on the island, I have been waiting for you to come here ever since I escaped." An all too familiar voice said making me freeze feeling like I had just been punched in the face with a cruel episode of nostalgia as I remembered watching Saul freeze to death at Aokiji's hands all those years ago, tears coming back to my face as I slowly looked up and sure enough, the red-headed giant looking down at me" how...are you alive?" I hiccuped.

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