chapter 1

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"Pa, am I looking good in this unicorn?" Chenle smiled, showing his white teeth to his only parent, Huang Renjun. Renjun who just finished serving Chenle's morning breakfast only giggled after hearing those. "It's uniform dear, not unicorn," Renjun cupped both of Chenle's cheeks, bending a little to make his height matched with Chenle before he pampered him with a lot of kisses on the boy's face. Chenle loved it when Renjun did that towards him. He can feel that his pa really loves him.

Chenle then tiptoed at the side of the kitchen cabinet to look at what Renjun made him for breakfast. Licking his lips, he excitedly asked Renjun to lift him up to sit on his own chair as Renjun served him his favourite french toast with maple syrup. "Ah, my big baby," Renjun lifted him up, kissing the upper head of Chenle before he put a bid around Chenle's neck. Chenle fed himself with the toast, making a delicious sound of every bite he took. Seeing that made Renjun smile as he was looking at his one and only son.

"Pa, I'm scared, I don't have friends," Chenle said as soon as he finished his breakfast. Renjun smiled warmly, asking Chenle to drink his milk before he stroked his son's hair. "Don't worry, dear. I'm sure you will have many friends later. Trust your pa, okay?"

Chenle nodded eagerly, finally smiling as his father comforted him. He then asked Renjun to take him out from the chair as both of them finally were getting ready for the first day Chenle goes to the kindergarten.


Jeno wore his black leather jacket, and did not forget to spray a lot of perfume onto it. He was looking good as usual, being borned with that perfect figure on his face. Looking at his back, his son was standing there, waiting for him with his untidy uniform for his first day of kindergarten. Jeno supposedly sent Sungchan to his school about an hour ago but because his schedule ended a little bit late last night, he woke up late in the morning as a result he was late for his son's first day of school. That was why he was not prepared at all.

"Take your bread and milk. Eat those in the car." He said before taking Sungchan's school bag and put it on his shoulder. "Come on," Jeno lifted Sungchan, carrying him before both of them left their house.

Ah, it's been a tough life for both Jeno and Sungchan. Sometimes, he needed to pay someone to take care of Sungchan while he was out of the schedule. Having a son with such a busy career is already difficult for him. Hiding Sungchan from everyone else made it even more difficult.


Renjun stood outside, greeting every parent and kids that came into the kindergarten that morning. He also makes a checklist of the kids' names to make sure everyone is already there.

"Teacher Renjun, is everyone already here?" A teacher that is known because of his funny and lovely personality, Na Jaemin, approached Renjun from behind. Renjun beamed a smile towards him, shaking his head. "Lee Sungchan. He still not arrive yet." Renjun showed the name list to Jaemin.

"I think you should call his parents. They might have a problem while making their way here," Jaemin said before walking away to gather the other kids.

Before Renjun could dial the number of Sungchan's parent, the kindergarten's door was being opened, revealing a man with his son. Both looked different. His father looked a little bit stylish but his son looked unprepared at all. "Sorry for being late." Jeno said, asking Sungchan to enter the class. Seeing Sungchan hugged onto Jeno's leg tightly as he did not want to let his father go, Jeno looked a little bit frustrated, a little bit angry too. "Sungchan, I'm already late for work," Jeno sighed before bending down and holding both of Sungchan's shoulders.

The boy seems like he will cry anytime soon. Jeno was feeling guilty, finally hugging the boy awkwardly. "I will pick you up later."

Sungchan seems scared with his new surroundings. Renjun who saw that only gave Sungchan a sweet smile. Although Jeno looked awkward with his own son, it is not Renjun's place to judge about it. Renjun held Sungchan's hands before talking to Sungchan with his cute voice, trying to attract that kid's attention. "Hi Sungchan, I'm Renjun but you can call me teacher Renjun. We have so many interesting things to do. What Sungchan would like to do, hmm? I have crayons, cars, toys, books and I also have a large playground. Do you want to join me and your friends?" Renjun squatted down to look at Sungchan in his eyes, smiling a little bit more until his eyes became a crescent moon shape.

Sungchan finally beamed a smile before he hugged Renjun tightly. "Teacher Renjun is nice,"

Jeno was kind of amused to see how easy it was for Renjun to attract Sungchan. He smiled as finally Sungchan went to Renjun. He was kind of embarrassed too, feeling that Renjun will judge him because he can't even act like a father towards Sungchan.

"I will go first," Jeno said, receiving a nod from Renjun.

"Say, bye dad," Renjun asked Sungchan to bid a goodbye towards Jeno. Sungchan did it and Jeno replied to it with the same goodbye gesture but as always, it did look awkward. 'Why are these things making me flutter?' Jeno thought before he left the kindergarten.

From outside, he can see very clearly that Renjun was buttoning up his son's uniform, tidying his son's messy hair before he brought Sungchan to join the others in the class. Jeno felt bad as a parent as he can't notice such things. He hoped he could learn everything sooner.

Soon, his phone was ringing, revealing his manager's name on it. He took the call,

"Jeno, please be here on time. You are late again! Everyone already here,"

"Alright, hyung. I'm on my way,"

Only if he can let go of his career to focus more on his son. But, this is the only way for him to earn a lot of money to survive. He should make more money for both of them and he will try to be the best father for Sungchan.


Teacher in Dream Kindergarten

Teacher in Dream Kindergarten

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Na Jaemin (27)

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