chapter 20

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"Yangyang!" Jaemin shouted, waving his hand towards the guy who just arrived at the airport. Yangyang looked at his way, smiling before grabbing Kun along with his luggage towards Jaemin's direction.

"Minhyung! Can I hold Jaeyun? It's been a while since I met three of you! Seriously, Huang Renjun never let me meet all of you like this. But, where is he? I thought he had already arrived before us," Yangyang said before taking Jaeyun from Minhyung's arm. "I'm not sure, but maybe they were up to something?"

Yangyang knitted his brows, nodding. "You mean, 'they' are Renjun and Chenle, right? Is there anyone else will join us today?" Renjun did not inform Yangyang yet about the others. He only mentioned Jaemin's family.

"Yeah, they arrived," Minhyung said, making all four pairs of eyes look in the direction. Renjun holds each of his hands holding Sungchan and Chenle while Jeno brings their luggages. Behind them, Dejun was in the middle between Guanheng and Sicheng, holding Dejun's arms, but Dejun somehow looked tired to be there.

"Oh, Yangyang! Uncle Kun! I miss both of you!" Renjun hugged Kun but at the same time tried to make a line between Yangyang and him, so he did not hug the other, only beamed a smile to Yangyang, which made Yangyang felt upset a little bit. "Is he your boyfriend? He is so handsome," Kun asked, smiling when Jeno bowed at him.

"I think everyone is already here. So, let's go?"


All of them decided to rest first in the hotel room before they went out together for dinner. Jeno booked four rooms, one for Kun and Yangyang, one for Sicheng, Guanheng and Dejun, one for Jaemin's family and the last room for Jeno, Renjun and their kids.

"Pa, I want to sleep with uncle Dejun. Please? I want to sleep with him!" Chenle pouted, getting sulky when Renjun did not let him stay with Dejun. Sungchan, as always, agrees with Chenle's ideas, because his ideas are not always that bad. He also liked Dejun, and there is no reason to dislike the adult.

"No, baby. Uncle Dejun's room is already full. You should sleep with me, okay?" Renjun tried to persuade his son. He knew all eyes were looking at his only son that suddenly made a scene there. "It's okay, uncle Sicheng also want to sleep with uncle Dejun, so don't worry, we can share him,"

"Hyung- what?" Guanheng covered Sicheng's mouth with his palm, forcing Sicheng to stop from talking nonsense.

"No, we can't share!" Chenle and Sungchan both hugged onto Dejun's legs, making Dejun hard to move. "It's okay Renjun. I can take care of them. It's better to sleep with these kids than these two pervert human beings." Dejun glared at both Sicheng and Guanheng before taking the children into his room.

"Sicheng hyung, take care of Jaeyun too please? I also want to have my second honeymoon with Minhyung," Jaemin grabbed Sicheng's arm, acting cute at the other only to be pulled away by his overprotective husband. "Of course no!" Sicheng answered, flicking Jaemin's forehead as a sign not to act weird again.

All of them left to their own room, leaving Jeno, Renjun and Yangyang. When Jeno asked Renjun to go to their room, Yangyang grabbed Renjun's hand making the other two look at him.

"Yangyang?" Renjun called his name softly and how could not Yangyang fall for this man harder, at the point he knew he couldn't move on.

"Um, I want to talk with you,"

"Yeah sure, what is that?"

Jeno and Renjun waited for Yangyang to talk, but Yangyang did not say a thing at all.

"I want to talk with you, alone." He raised his voice a little bit at 'alone', looking at Jeno as a sign to make Jeno leave both of them. Jeno rolled his eyes, did not want to let go of Renjun's hand but when Renjun asked him to wait in their room, he needed to give in and finally left both of them.

"Want to take a walk out there?" Yangyang asked Renjun. Renjun only nodded, not giving a response very much. He just followed Yangyang anywhere the guy wanted to bring him, wondering what Yangyang wanted to talk with him about.

Renjun walked beside Yangyang, did not say anything until both of them arrived at the beach, beside the hotel they stayed at. There were not too many people there.

"So, since when have you finally opened up your heart for a new relationship?" Yangyang took a glance at the pretty boy beside him. Anyone who heard that will know how hurt Yangyang was when he asked the question.

He thought he finally can get Renjun but it seems there is another person who is earlier than him. Yangyang admitted, he is no one to compare with Jeno. At least Jeno has a good career, receives a good salary, has good properties and everything about Jeno is perfect to compare with Yangyang. Yangyang hates that perfect guy.

"More than a month? I really want to tell you about this but I don't know when. I think this is a perfect time. Jeno finally can meet with those persons who are important in my life, you and uncle Kun." Renjun said, smiling at Yangyang.

Why did Yangyang feel hurt to see Renjun smile like that? He hates the fact of seeing Renjun happy with someone else. He hates it when Renjun calls him an important person because he did not feel that way. Renjun has someone that can take care of him better than Yangyang. He swears to God, he hates that smile.

"Oh, are you happy?" Yangyang looked at the beach in front of him. He can't accept the fact that someone he loves for more than five years, will finally be someone else's lover. "Of course I am, Yangyang! What are you talking about? You must be worried about me, right? Jeno is a good guy and I know he can take care of me, and most importantly, he loves me. That's enough to make me happy," Renjun smiled once again every time he mentioned Jeno's name.

"It must be great for you. Let's return to the hotel. I want to rest," Yangyang said, finally standing up. He walked first without waiting for Renjun.

Renjun's gaze followed Yangyang until the man completely disappeared from his sight. He shook his head, denying what was in his mind.

'Why does Yangyang look sad? Am I doing something wrong? Is it because of Jeno? Is Yangyang like me? Oh, it is impossible of course, what am I thinking?'

The sudden call he received from Jeno finally made him forget about his thoughts, answering the call before making his way towards his hotel room, where Jeno waited for him.

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