chapter 16

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Dejun stood up from his seat, glaring at Jeno in disbelief before walking towards the door. He just can't accept the fact one of his group members acted like that, keeping secret from them about serious matters.

For all of this time they worried about Jeno. The guy did not talk very much and acted cold with everyone. But knowing that he hid something bigger like this, Dejun can't accept it anymore. It will ruin everything that they achieved so far. Their image as a group will ruin, their fans will leave them and their career will destroy. If that happens, Dejun will put all the blame on Jeno.

Guanheng immediately went after Dejun. As he passed by Jeno, he whispered something to Jeno's ear.

"We need to talk. I will wait for you at the carpark."

After seeing those two figures fade from his sight, Jeno gestured to Renjun to stay there for a while as he wanted to meet the others. With a worry on his face, Renjun grabbed Jeno's hand tightly, giving him a reassuring smile before he let the hand go. Jeno replied with a warm smile before leaving the house without saying a thing.

This is not exactly what Jeno planned for. He wanted his group members to know about this sooner or later but this is not the right way for them to figure it.


Dejun laid his back on the car's door, hands on his head, massaging his head that was cloudy enough to think about the problem. If they take a wrong step after this, everything that he did not want to happen will happen at any time. Hendery did not talk too much but his eyes never left Dejun. He knew how Dejun left everything that he loves for his dream, to be a great and popular singer. He also did not want to ruin it but it seems like Jeno will ruin their career soon. For Hendery, it is also a big matter but it's already happened and nothing can change.

Jeno walked toward their direction, face remained calm but Hendery knew Jeno thought a lot in his head. Only Jeno did not know how to tell them in the exact way.

"Since when?" Hendery looked at Jeno, waiting for his response.

"When we were trainees. It just a personal matter,"

"But now, it's not personal anymore. It is a group matter. You know what would happen if the media knew about this?! Then you should know it from the start, you should not debut with us if you were being honest back then!" Dejun scolded Jeno, eyes deeply looking at the said boy.

"Dejun, listen to him first. Please Jeno, we can settle this. Just tell us, please. Trust me, trust Dejun. Can you do that?" Hendery was calmer, patting Dejun's back before walking towards Jeno and pulling the guy into a hug. "It's tough for you too, isn't it? You are too young but need to face all of this. It's okay, hyung will listen to you,"

Hendery's words made Jeno finally burst into tears, replying back to the guy's hug, burying his face on the other's shoulder. Never once have they seen Jeno like that, crying like he was totally lost in everything. "H-hyung, I'm tired. I want to run away but I can't."

Dejun looked away. Although he was really mad at Jeno for not telling them at the very first place, he was kinda pitying the boy, finally wiping off the tears that formed on his eyes. Both of them listened to Jeno's story patiently. From how Jeno's got the child until how he met Renjun and finally fell for him. He needed someone to understand him and at the same time love him, willing to stay with him.

After listening to Jeno's story, Dejun, who stood beside the car, suddenly walked towards the other boy before pulling him into a hug. "You should tell me dumbass! Don't make us worried anymore. At least, try to depend on someone in our group! Don't make it harder for yourself." Dejun mumbled, hitting Jeno's back but he, himself nonstop, cried a river.

"It's better now, both of you already knew it. I just can't tell the others. It's hard for me," Jeno bit his lips, finally stopped sobbing. "Dohyu doesn't know about this?" The sudden question from Guanheng made both Jeno and Dejun look at the other guy. Jeno shook his head. "I just, not really trust him,"

Guanheng and Dejun just nodded as they understood it clearly. It was not a good thing to tell everyone about it although that one person is really the closest to Jeno the most than the others. "It's okay, we will cover everything for you. But, tell us more about Sungchan, invite us to your house when you need someone to play with Sungchan along with you," Dejun shrugged everything off, finally beaming a smile towards the youngest among them.

"I will, hyung. Sure, thank you. But, don't you mind me dating someone, I mean dating that teacher?"

"I trust you, Jeno. Surely, he will help you a lot. So, let's keep this as a secret. Between us and between all of the people in the house, deal?" Guanheng looked at Jeno and Dejun, asking for an agreement which both of them nodded, finally settling the problem among them.

"Let's go upstairs. Your son might miss you for a long time," Guanheng laughed, grabbing Jeno and Dejun's arms before heading to Jaemin and Minhyung's house to have their sleepover there.


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